Chuck's Arrival

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Theo and Stiles thanked Deaton then left the clinic. They walked to Theo's truck, got in, and started to drive to the warehouse Deaton told them the angels were holding the pack and Stiles family in. Stiles was nervous.

"We'll get them back. All of them." Theo said but Stiles didn't feel any better about it. 

"But will they all be alive when we do?" Stiles said looking out of the window at the trees and houses that went by. 

Theo bit his lip hoping Stiles was wrong. He wanted to say he was, promise that they'd get all of them back alive but he wasn't completely sure they would either.

"We'll try." Theo finally said trying to comfort his friend as best he could. But he knew he wasn't good at this. 

"You'll get them all back alive." A voice came from the back causing Theo to slam on the breaks. 

Theo and Stiles jumped out of the truck. Stiles pulled out his gun while Theo bared his teeth and claws.

But it was the man. The one Theo saw before he came back to life.

"You," Theo said the man smiled from inside the truck then he disappeared and reappeared outside the truck next to the driver's side door. 

"You know this dude?" Stiles said cocking his gun and pointing it at the man.

"That's not going to kill me, Stiles." The man said making Stiles frown in confusion but not back down. 

"What are you an angel? Come to kill me?" Stiles said making the man shake his head and glare at the ground for what the angels are doing to Stiles.

"No, I've come to help." He said making Stiles lower his gun slightly. 

"My name is Chuck. Or as most call me. God." He said making Stiles lower his gun all the way but not put it away.

"How do we know you're telling the truth?" Stiles asked and Chuck smiled at the boy. 

Chuck lifted his hand and flicked his finger down like he was turning on a light switch. Then his whole body glowed like his human form was no longer there. Once he turned back into his human form the two looked stunned. 

"Okay. Wow. I'm standing in front of God. Oh my... you." Stiles said making Chuck laugh a bit.

"As I said before I'm here to help you. Can you put the gun away?" Chuck asked making Stiles nod and he put his gun away. Chuck stepped closer to Stiles, Theo growled a bit causing Chuck to turn to him. "I'm not going to hurt him, Theo," Chuck said and Theo hesitantly nodded.

Chuck took another step forward so he and Stiles were arm's length apart. Chuck smiled at the young boy then reached out with his hand. Stiles flinched at first but relaxed when Chuck made a calming gesture. 

Chuck reached up again and touched Stiles forehead with his two fingers. Chuck's eyes glowed a light blue and the glow looked like it went through his veins under his eyes. 

Then down his face and down his arm toward Stiles' forehead. Then when it got to Stiles' forehead it spread throughout his body.

"What's happening?" Stiles gasped out when he felt a pain in his shoulder blades. 

"I'm giving you the ability to be able to show humans and other supernaturals your wings," Chuck said then a light glowed from Stiles back. Chuck took his fingers off of Stiles' forehead then grabbed Theo pulling him away from Stiles.

"Cover your eyes," Chuck said turning Theo away from Stiles. 

He did himself as well even though it wouldn't affect him. A huge flash of light came from behind them then everything was dark like before. 

"Uh..." They heard Stiles say from behind them. 

They both turned to see Stiles but he had jet black wings the feathers looked like they were dipped in baby blue paint. They looked so beautiful.

"You just gave those to him?" Theo said not taking his eyes off Stiles for a second. 

"No, he had them all along but no one could see them but him. And he didn't know how to take them out. Now everyone can see them if he wants them too." Chuck said as Stiles moved his wing around. He curled them around himself touching them in curiosity.

"They're so beautiful," Stiles said smiling Chuck nodded. 

"Your pops are just like that. Except he had a darker almost night sky color blue." Chuck said Theo reached out to touch them in curiosity as well but Chuck stopped him.

"Stiles wings are very important to an angel. They can't fly without them, and they help them in battle. They can be very strong and used as shields in battle. But they can be very intermittent when touched as well." Chuck said making Stiles fold his wings behind him. 

"How do I put them away?" Stiles asked making Chuck chuckle.

"Just think about it. Focus on making your wings disappear. Making them fold behind you." Chuck said making Stiles nod then close his eyes for a moment. His wings folded tightly behind his back before disappearing. Stiles opened his eyes and smiled looking behind himself. 

"Woah." Stiles and Theo said chuckling and looking at each other in shock.

"Awesome," Theo said smiling at his friend. Stiles couldn't believe he had wings. 

"So I can call you grandpa?" Stiles said to Chuck making him chuckle. He didn't think he'd ever be called Grandpa.

"If you want to I suppose," Chuck said as they walked back to the truck. 

"Eventually," Stiles said as they got into the truck. 

Chuck in the back, Stiles in the passenger seat, and Theo was driving. Stiles took a deep breath. He was more confident that they could get them back now.

"Now we'll get them back alive," Stiles said Theo looked over at him with a smile and nodded. 

"Yeah, we will." He said as they drove down the dark street toward the warehouse.

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