They Don't Know That They Know Me

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The next day Stiles went to school. Despite the protests from his family. Today Castiel and Gabriel drove Stiles to school. Dean was sleeping and wouldn't get up so Gabriel stole his car keys. 

But Cas drove not trusting his brother to do so. They got to the school before the bell rang. The two angels and the Nephilim got out of the car. Castiel and Gabriel stood beside Stiles at the front of the Impala.

"You better call or pray if something goes wrong," Castiel said making Stiles nod. He looked over his shoulder and saw a couple of pack members staring at him. 

"Hey kid you'll be fine," Gabriel said making Stiles look back at him and nod. He put his hand through his dirty blonde hair and took a deep breath.

"Remember what I said yesterday," Gabriel said making Stiles smile. 

"Go try out for the lacrosse team or something. You'll be so much better than you were before." Gabriel said him a wink then was pushed out of the way by Castiel.

"Don't corrupt my son," Castiel said then turned to Stiles. 

"I wasn't corrupting him I was just saying that I would like to see you play," Gabriel said looking around the parking lot.

"Come on Cassie let's go," Gabriel said getting a bit bored. But then he got an idea. "Oh, my dad I have the best idea," Gabriel said making son and father turn to him.

"No." They both said making Gabriel frown. 

"But I didn't even say anything." He said making them give him an unamused look.

"You didn't have to," Stiles said making Gabriel pout. 

"Fine you'll just figure it out later," Gabriel said then got in the passenger seat of the Impala.

"Have a good day," Castiel said then got into the driver's seat of the Impala.


Stiles first period was science. He had it with Scott, Theo, Isaac, and Jackson. He sat beside Theo as they took notes. 

Then there was a knock on the door causing the teacher to stop. He opened the door to reveal the principal.

"New student," Theo said to Stiles who frowned not sure why there was a new student this late in the year. But then again he came in this late. 

"Class this is Gabriella. She's a new student." The teacher said and a short girl entered the classroom.

The girl had long brown hair with golden streaks, golden eyes, a short black skirt, a white shirt that went low, and a black leather jacket. It kinda remembered Stiles of a girl version of Gabriel... holy shit. While Stiles was staring in shock the teacher had told the girl to go sit in front of him.

"Take a picture it lasts longer," Gabriella said as she sat in the chair in front of Stiles. 

"I know it's you, Gabriel. You asshole. Was this the idea you were talking about?" Stiles said making the girl laugh.

"Wow, it didn't take you long," Gabriel said turning around to face Stiles and Theo who was still confused. 

"Why did you possess that girl?" Stiles said making Gabriel roll his eyes.

"I didn't she's from Washington and she's dead. I just brought her body back so I could possess it." Gabriel said Stiles sighed as Gabriel turned back around.


"I can't believe Gabriel did that," Stiles said as him and Theo walked into the cafeteria. 

"You okay?" Theo asked Stiles as they walked up to the table the pack was sitting at.

"Yeah, I'm just... worried about you and the pack. I didn't want you to get involved in this fight against the angels." Stiles said as they sat down at the table. The conversation between the pack stopped but Stiles and Theo's conversation continued. 

"I'm here for you man. Angels, demons, whatever it is I'm fighting by your side." Theo said putting a hand on Stiles' shoulder.

"How are we going to deal with the angels?" Scott asked making Stiles think for a moment. 

"I could try and tap into angel radio. Maybe they're talking on there. We could see what they're doing." Stiles said looking at Theo who nodded.

"Angel radio?" Isaac asked in confusion making Stiles remember that the pack didn't know anything about angels. 

"Pretty much I can hear when the angels talk. I can tune it out most of the time but I could check it. If Gabriel or Castiel hadn't thought of it." Stiles said then a girl sat beside him.

"You spoke of me?" It was Gabriel Theo and Stiles groaned in annoyance. 

"Where the hell have you been?" Theo asked as Gabriel stuck a lollipop in his mouth.

"You know just scoping the place out," Gabriel said both boys knew he wasn't doing that but they didn't want to ask. 

"Who's this?" Isaac asked looking at Gabriel like he was a piece of meat.

"Oh no. Do not look at him like that please." Stiles said making Isaac and the others frown. 

"Him?" Lydia said making Gabriel smile.

"I'm Gabriel. This is just a vessel. Appreciate the compliment but I have a boyfriend." He said making them all laugh at Isaac who blushed a deep scarlet red. "Also I'm way too old for you," Gabriel said sucking on the lollipop.

"How old are you?" Malia asked making Gabriel raise his eyebrows. 

"Women don't like to reveal their age," Gabriel said making Stiles and Theo roll their eyes while the others looked confused.

"But you aren't a woman... right?" Jackson asked making Gabriel look at him with an unimpressed face. 

"Angels don't have a gender. And I've been alive since before humans were created so..." Gabriel trailed off making the others look a bit surprised.

"Anyways. Dylan, can you please do what I suggested this morning?" Gabriel asked turning to Stiles who rolled his eyes. 

"No," Stiles said looking at Gabriel who looked very angry.

"Please. Please. I'll never ask you for anything ever again." Gabriel said making Stiles give him an unamused look. 

"That's a lie. You will." Stiles said making Gabriel frown.

"What can I do to convince you to do it?" Gabriel asked making Stiles smirk. 

"Stay in that vessel for a week," Stiles said making Gabriel shake his head.

"No. No way. I hate skirts how do girls even do this. And heels, I've fallen over five times." Gabriel said making Stiles and Theo smile. 

"Think of what Sam would think," Stiles said making Theo cringe.

"Two days."


"Three. Finally, offer."

"Four. And I'll be captain." Stiles said making the pack look at him strangely. 

"Deal," Gabriel said smiling and looked back over to the pack. "I have to go," Gabriel said then got up and walked off. 

"I was gonna try out anyways," Dylan said making them all laugh.

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