Not Weak

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A/N: I do not own teen wolf or supernatural

Ever since Donovan Scott looks at him differently. Stiles hates it everyone is more distance. Distant doesn't even explain it. They don't even go near him at school. After the fight with Scott Stiles goes to school for two days before giving up. He packs up his jeep with everything he needs and goes off. He heads to South Dakota where he knows a guy who he can stay with.

After many hours on the road Stiles parks at his destination. He got out of the car and goes up to the house then knocks on the door. It opens within seconds a shotgun is now pointed at his face.

"Bobby! Hey woah! It's Stiles!" He yelled putting his hands in the air. Bobby looked at him for a moment then handed him a flash. "Drink." He said Stiles took it and drunk it. He knew what it was for he knew all about what Bobby did. Stiles drank it then put it down he pulled a silver knife out of his pocket but also made sure Bobby knew he wasn't going to use it on him. Stiles rolled his sleeve up slightly and made a small cut with the silver knife on his arm. Bobby lowered his gun and Stiles put his knife back in his pocket.

"What are you doing here Stiles?" Bobby asked stepping to the side so Stiles could walk in. "No 'how are you Stiles' or 'good to see you, Stiles'?" Stiles said as he stepped in and walked over sitting on the couch.

"We agreed you wouldn't come back after last time," Bobby said going into the kitchen. Last time Stiles was here he had stumbled upon this place and Bobby had taken him in but only for a few days during the summer. But those days turned into weeks because a demon had come along and Bobby helped Stiles learn to be a hunter to kill the demon. But Stiles got hurt bad and Bobby didn't want him back here.

"I have nowhere to go. The pack won't look at me the same after I killed Donovan. It was self-defense though! I swear!" Stiles said putting his head in his hands as Bobby put a glass of water in front of the boy. He knew everything about his pack and was okay with it. Stiles had told him so much about werewolves he didn't know. Even told him about a few new creatures. But Bobby hasn't heard about Donovan. "What happened Stiles?" Bobby asked Stiles looked up at him and took a drink of the water.

Stiles explains everything about Donovan and how Theo told Scott. How the pack had pretty much disowned him after that believing Theo and not even thinking about asking Stiles what happened. Bobby wanted to kill those kids after Stiles finished but he knew he couldn't.

"It wasn't your fault Stiles. It was self-defense, and if they won't even ask you what happened or let you explain, they aren't very good friends." Bobby said putting a hand on Stiles' shoulder as he let tears fall from his eyes. He didn't make a sound though. "I want to be a hunter. Train me. More than you already have." Stiles said turning to face Bobby who nodded trying to hide a smile. He liked this boy.

"Go get some rest. You'll need it. You're getting up early to train." Bobby said Stiles smiled then went up to the guest room he stayed in last time to get some sleep.

For the next month, Stiles did running, hand to hand, and practiced with almost every kind of weapon. He went on a few hunts mostly ghosts, a werewolf that made Stiles realize why Bobby was skeptical of Stiles being in a werewolf pack. Today was the first day Stiles was going to turn on his phone. He had turned it off for the past month because he didn't want the distraction and because he was busy.

He sat on the couch with his phone in his hand. Stiles knew he had to use his phone because of hunts and things like that but he didn't want to see all the messages and calls. But he did it any way he turned it on to see the messages and calls for the past month.

Scott - 163 messages 72 calls

Dad - 142 messages 83 calls

Liam - 67 messages 52 calls

Isaac - 57 messages 45 calls

Lydia - 112 messages 63 calls

Derek - 124 messages 89 calls

'Why has Derek called me the most?' Stiles thought he looked through the texts they were mixed with 'where are you' and 'come back' others where like 'everyone is freaking out' and 'why did you leave?' But as it got later into the month there were some like 'we miss you' and 'please come back' but Derek's were different.

Stiles, please tell us where you are

We miss you

I miss you

The pack is falling apart without you

We can't live without you

And more like that. Stiles decided to listen to the most recent voicemail he had. It was from Derek.

"S-Stiles please come back..." he sounded broken. "We all miss you... I miss you..." he was crying you could hear it. "I miss your sarcasm and you calling me sourwolf. God, I never thought I'd miss you if you left... I feel... I don't know what I feel anymore. Please come back..." Stiles could hear sniffling and sobbing. It made his heartbreak to hear him like that. "Please, Sti... please." The phone went dead. Stiles was now crying. He got in his Jeep and decided to drive to an abandoned road just in case when he called they could track him. He still had tears going down his face when he got there. But he called anyways, he called Derek. He knew that today they would be at a pack meeting and if not then that was fine too. Derek almost immediately picked up.


"Sourwolf?" Stiles sniffed letting out a small sob that no one heard but him.

On the other side of the line where the pack was Derek stood up and the pack looked at him with wide eyes. They could hear what Stiles was saying.

"Stiles?" Derek said trying not to let tears fall.

"Y-yeah. I miss you too Der." Stiles said Derek covered his mouth not wanting to let out a sob.

"The pack is here. C-can I put you on speaker?" Derek asked Stiles smiled at the thought of the pack.

"Yeah sure," Stiles said Derek pulled the phone from his ear and put him on speaker.

"Okay, you're on speaker," Derek said whipping a tear from his face. Stiles looked out his windshield to see it was silent on the road.

"Hey, guys. I miss you." Stiles said the pack smiled but then got to the questions.

"Where are you, Stiles?"

"Why did you leave?"

"Why don't you come back?"

"Are you okay?"

"Woah calm down guys. I'm fine, I can't tell you where I am. But I'm with a friend. I'm not coming back. Not now at least. I can't." Stiles said as tears went down his cheeks.

"Why not? We all miss you. Your dad is so worried. Can't you come to visit?" Scott said wanting to see his brother.

"No, I can't. If I come back now I won't be able to leave again." Stiles said trying to stop his tears from falling but it wouldn't work.

"Why is that a bad thing?" Lydia asked and they were all confused about why he couldn't at least visit.

"Because I can't stay, I'm needed here," Stiles said knowing he did have a hunt to go to tomorrow.

"You're needed here too! We need you!" Liam said you could hear it in his voice that he was crying. He couldn't help it Stiles always cared for him and everyone around him.

"Sorry, Liam. I'm needed more here. I can actually help here without you guys getting in my way. You guys never let me explain about Donovan. You just believed Theo and didn't hear my side of the story." Stiles said anger lacing his voice.

"Stiles I-" Scott was cut off when a gunshot and the phone going dead.

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