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"It'll be okay. You've said goodbye to your father... without him knowing it but you still told him you loved him. You'll be okay Stiles I'm here." Oliver said as they walked up the stairs. "Thanks, Oliver. They'll be here in around an hour. Gives me time to say goodbye." Stiles said Oliver wiped the tear that slipped down his face. They got to Derek's loft door knowing they always had pack meetings today. Stiles knocked on the door and took a deep breath in.

"Nope! I can't!" Stiles said then took off leaving Oliver at the door. "Wait-" before Oliver could say anything else the door opened and Scott stood there confused.

"Oh hey, Scott. I'm Oliver Stiles friend I just-" he was cut off by Scott. "I know who you are. Why are you here?" Scott growled Oliver got nervous looking anywhere but Scott.

"Well. Stiles was with me but then took off. He wanted to see you but couldn't do it at the last second. I'll call him and get him up here." Oliver said smiling at Scott who smiled at the mention of Stiles. "Alright. Come on in." Scott said moving out of the way so Oliver could walk in. Oliver walked in and looked around at the place taking in the sent it was different he never smelled so many werewolves in a room. He was nervous and bit his lip when he saw them all looking at him.

"Hello, Oliver it's nice to meet you in person. I'm Lydia." A girl with strawberry blonde hair said. He smiled as she moved over to allow him to sit next to her. He smiled and sat down a little away from her pressing up against the edge of the couch. "You're nervous," Isaac said making Oliver look up at him.

"Y-yeah. I've never been in a room with so many werewolves before. Not any for that matter." He said bouncing his leg up and down. "Why not?" Derek asked curiously he also didn't like this guy and wanted to make him feel uncomfortable.

"I'm an omega. I like it that way. I don't like packs, no offense, I just think that if you're in one that you have more people you care about. Therefore more people to get hurt. More weakness. Or more strengths. I'm also not a people person." Oliver said he knew they were going to continue to ask questions about him. "Bitten? Where's your alpha?" Scott asked crossing his arms as he sat on the arm of the couch next to Liam.

"Born actually. But my family was killed." Oliver paused for a moment remembering Stiles words. You can trust them, Oliver. They mean no hard you can tell them about what happened to you. "I was the second oldest. I had an older brother, three younger sisters and another younger brother. My mother always liked that there was three of each gender. She was a very nice happy person who would never hurt anyone unless they were trying to hurt her children." Oliver took another deep breath trying to hold back tears.

"My father on the other hand... h-he wasn't like her. He was a... very angry alpha. He would come home drunk almost every night. Which was actually a good thing. He wasn't as strong then. My older brother and I would have to lock our siblings in the attic so he couldn't find them. He wasn't always like that. It was only when my mother died. He didn't want us, the only reason he kept us is to take his anger out on us. I was 8 when he came home a gun and six wolfsbane bullets. He said we were the reason our mother died. That it's our fault we have to hide from hunters. He put a bullet through my older brothers skull making us watch. Then my youngest sister and my eldest sister right in the heart. He tied me up and said I was his most hated child he shot me in the stomach then took my younger brother and other sister away. I guess he left me to die. But I didn't I was found by two hunters. Who actually helped me instead of killing me. I wasn't raised by them though I was given to their good friends. I wish I knew if my brother and sister were still alive though." Oliver said a tear going down his face. Then he whipped his head toward the door making everyone look as well. He got up and ran to the door opening it to find Stiles was about to knock. He brought Stiles into a hug and let a few tears flow out of his eyes.

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