We Need Help

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A/N: Oh this is what you been waiting for get ready. Stiles is going back to Beacon Hills. Enjoy the chapter!

Sorry, it's a bit short.

-A Week Later-

Stiles sat in the library room looking for cases on his computer. It was morning not too early just late enough for it to be time for everyone else to wake. Well for Sam and Dean to wake up, Gabriel and Castiel are always awake. 

Stiles sat on his computer as Castiel appeared beside him. He nearly jumped out of his skin, in fact, he fell back but before he could knock himself out by hitting the ground Cas pulled him back up.

"Hey pop... thanks for scaring me to death, then bringing me back," Stiles said making Cas smile at his sarcastic son. 

Then Dean walked into the room wearing a robe. He kissed Cas on the cheek then sat down across from Stiles, Castiel frowned pouting. 

"What Cas?" Dean asked crossing his arms.

"That wasn't a real kiss," Cas said making Dean chuckle shaking his head. 

"Come here then," Dean said motioning for Cas to come toward him. 

But instead of walking he disappeared and appeared right next to Dean causing him to jump. Castiel leaned down putting his hands on the sides of Dean's face and he put their lips together in a passionate kiss which Dean returned. 

Stiles shook his head as he typed on his computer he would have done the same things if... if Derek was here. Stiles stopped typing feeling the sadness boil up inside his stomach. Then all three of them jumped when Stiles phone rang. He reached out picking it up off the table fumbling while bringing it up to his ear.

"H-hello?" Stiles said clearing his throat as Gabriel and Sam walked into the room. 

Sam hit Dean's shoulder telling him and Cas to get a room. The two parted and Castiel sat down on Dean's lap making the oldest Winchester let out a short breath. 

"Stiles?" He heard Theo's voice on the other end and immediately perked up with one of the brightest smiles any of the other men had seen in a long time.

"Theo!" Stiles said as Gabriel and Sam sat down smiling. 

"Hey, buddy! How's everyone?" Theo said making Stiles chuckle.

"Good good. Everyone is constantly making out with each other, and I feel lonely." Stiles said hearing a chuckle from the other end of the phone. 

"Well, you won't feel lonely for long... because we need your guys' help." Theo's voice immediately turned and he sounded in pain. Stiles' face fell and they all looked concerned.

"What happened? Are you okay? Is Derek okay?" Stiles asked his heart was beating like crazy. 

"Yeah everyon-" Theo paused making Stiles shift even more concerned.

"What? What, finish the sentence?!" Stiles yelled into the phone making the hunters and angels frown. 

"Put me on speaker," Theo said his voice laced with all kinds of pain and worry. Stiles said a quick 'okay' before putting the phone on speaker then putting it in a table.

"Hey, guys," Theo said his voice echoing through the bunker. 

"What happened Theo?" Castiel asked leaning toward the table.

"I-I need help. We. Need help. Scott got hurt. He's okay but I- I could've done something- I should've-" Theo stuttered out they could hear him crying in the background. 

"Theo just takes a deep breath," Sam said they could hear a shaky breathe from the other side of the phone.

"There are angels here. We killed a few but they're going to get more. Scott and Liam got hurt. They're fine now but they almost died." Theo paused again taking in a deep shaky breath. "We need serious help. They keep threatening me asking where the abomination is. They're talking about you Stiles, they think you're going to kill us all. Please help." Theo said making the others all look at each other with sympathetic looks.

"We're coming, Theo. We're gonna help you." Stiles said making Theo let out a breath of relief. 

"Th-thank you. I just don't want them to get hurt. The pack had already called a bunch of people they used to know. Jackson, Ethan... Isaac! God, I hate that guy." Theo said making them frown in confusion.

"He's been here all of four days. I'm gonna burn all his scarfs then stab him with my knife." Theo said making Stiles laugh while the others still looked confused. 

"He's annoying I know. Sometimes I wanna kill him too." Stiles said smiling making Theo laugh a little.

"Yeah, yeah, just get your asses down here," Theo said they said goodbye and hung up the phone.

"Looks like we're going to Beacon Hills."

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