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Sam and Dean told Stiles about them being hunters and working cases. He was a bit fearful at first but soon warmed up to them. 

He took a liking to Castiel they became really good friends, he liked Sam he was what he was, an uncle, Stiles got good advice from him, Dean was like a protector. Stiles didn't want to call him a father yet. Because he was still adjusting to all of this. He hadn't remembered anything of his past other than the kanima, Jackson, and Derek like when he came. 

Stiles had asked them to train him so for the past three weeks he's been trained by Sam and Dean. He was terrible at first but got better. They had gone on a few small hunts not too far from home. Stiles got in really well with the hunters and angel. As well as Gabriel who showed up to check on him.

"I think I found a case!" Stiles sang as he walked into the room where Sam, Dean, and Cas stood. He went over and took a bite of Dean's pie. 

"Hey!" Dean said pushing Stiles away who only smiled with his mouth full then sat down pulling out his computer.

"Okay, so there's been bodied popping up in Mississippi. Throats ripped out and blood drained." Stiles said turning the computer for them to look at. The three older men looked the case and they all agreed to go in the morning. 

"Good job Stiles. You're smart like Sam." Dean said and Stiles smiled.

"You're smart too Dean," Stiles said getting up and going to his room to get ready for bed. Dean's face fell when his own some called him Dean and not Dad. 

"Don't worry Dean he's just getting used to this. He'll call you dad some day." Sam said and Dean nodded.

He went into his bathroom to brush his teeth and when he came back out he jumped at the sight of Cas.

"Holy crap! I need to put a bell on you." Stiles said the sentence echoed in his mind. Like he'd said it before.

Then he saw black.

Stiles was standing in a room. A bedroom he tried to look around and observe more but then a boy entered the room.

It was him.

But younger and had a buzz cut. His younger self didn't notice him. He just went to his desk and started typing on his computer. Then a man stepped out of the shadow beside Stiles he jumped not even noticing the man before. 

He stopped turning toward Stiles as if he could almost see him. The man just stepped toward his younger self. He walked up behind the younger boy and stood till the boy noticed him. Which wasn't long. The boy turned his chair and jumped falling off his chair.

"Oh my god! what the hell?!" The boy yelled as he struggled to get to his feet. The man didn't move to help but Stiles saw his foot twitch like he wanted to but decided against it. Once the younger boy stood up and dusted himself off he spoke again.

"I need to put a bell on you."

Older Stiles who stood in the corner went wide eyed. He stepped toward the scene looking at his younger self than to the man he recognized him. Just a bit younger. Stiles smiled wanting to touch the green eyed man but decided against it.

Stiles smiled standing behind his younger self and looked at the man. He remembered this man. Beautiful raven hair, his forest green eyes, his leather jacket, and bad boy attitude. Stiles saw right through him seeing that the beautiful man cared.

Then everyone went black once more.

He shifted slightly on the soft surface that he lay on. He opened his eyes to see he was now on his bed in his room. He turned his head to see Dean asleep at his bedside. The man was sitting on the floor head laying on the edge of the bed facing him. 

Stiles smiled at his father and lifted his hand putting it on Dean's. The dirty blonde haired man blinked a few times before lifting his head to look at Stiles. Once he saw his son was awake he jumped putting a hand on Stiles' forehead brushing away his hair that was in his face.

"Stiles are you alright?! How do you feel?!" Dean asked looking at the boy worried. Stiles chuckled nodding then grabbing Dean's hand. 

"C-can you help me up," Stiles asked and Dean nodded. He put his arm around the boys back lifting him so he sat up. Then he pulled Stiles legs so they were hanging over the edge of the bed. He put his arm around the boy's waist lifting him so he could stand.

"Th-thanks." Stiles was tempted to say dad after but didn't. It wasn't the right time. 

"Anytime son. Let's go get lunch yeah?" Dean said putting Stiles arm over his shoulders and helping him out to the kitchen.

"How long was I out?" Stiles asked as he sat down at the table that Cas and Sam sat at. 

"Twelve hours. It's almost lunch." Cas said and Stiles' eyes widened.

"I thought it was only a few minutes. Must have stared at him longer than I thought." Stiles said smiling then put his head down on the table. 

"Who?" Sam asked Stiles looked up with sleepy eyes.

"A man. I had a memory. When Cas came into my room and scared me I said I should put a bell on him. Then everything went black." Stiles said taking a breath and looking at his hands on the table. "I woke up standing in a bedroom. Then a boy walked in... it was me but with a buzz cut." Stiles paused running his hand through his hair.

"I can't imagine you with a buzz cut," Sam said as Dean handed stiles a sandwich while eating on himself. 

"Anyway younger me sat down at the desk and started typing on a laptop. I got a glance of what he was doing... he was researching about a kanima. Then all of a sudden a man comes out of the shadows. I didn't even notice him beside me so I jumped. He stopped and turned to me as if he could almost see me." Stiles said frowning then took a bite of his sandwich.

"But then he turned back to younger me and walked over standing behind him. He waited and younger me finally turned his chair jumping and falling back. The man looked like he wanted to help the boy but fought against the urge to do so. Younger me yelled at him then got up saying 'I should put a bell on you' as he stood. They started to talk and I walked over to them. I looked at my younger self for a second before going to stand beside him to look at the man. He was younger than I remember. But still beautiful." Stiles said smiling at the place on the table he was staring at. Then he looked up at the hunters and the angel.

"It was Derek."

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