What Do You Want?

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"Dean! Cas!" Gabriel yelled as he and Stiles entered the hotel room. Sam, Dean, and Castiel came out of the next room. 

"You skipped-" Dean didn't get to finish because Stiles had his arms around his waist crying into his chest.

"Oh, what're wrong Stiles?" Castiel asked that made Stiles look up at him tear stains on his cheeks. The sight almost made Cas cry. 

"I-I can't do this. I can't look at them without wanting to rip this damn necklace off. They were talking about me. They said the pack is barely holding on without me." Stiles said making Dean sigh. He felt bad for the kid.

"It's okay Stiles," Dean said putting one of his arms around Stiles' waist while the other rubbed the back of his head softly. 

"I'm tired," Stiles said Dean nodded then brought him to one of the two beds that were in this room.

"It's only 3:00 Stiles so I'll wake you up later for dinner," Dean said making Stiles smile and nod. 

"Thanks, dad," Stiles said turning over and closing his eyes. 

Dean smiled at his son fondly before going over to the others giving them a gesture to move to the other room. Once they did all three turned to Gabriel.

"Where were you two?" Sam asked as Dean sat down on the bed. 

"He prayed to me saying he needed someone to talk to and that he was in the preserve,"  Gabriel said sitting down at the small table that was in the room.

"What did you talk about?" Castiel asked curiously and kind of hurt as to why he called Gabriel instead of him or Dean. 

"We talked about how he hated to see his pack sad that he died. He showed me the place where Scott got bit in his words 'where it all started'. Then he asked me about us Sam." Gabriel said making Sam blush and blink a few times.

"His words exactly were 'Are you together or is it just sex in the bedroom next to mine?'" Gabriel asked making Sam go even redder as Dean looked over at him with an 'are you serious' kind of look. 

"What did you say?" Sam asked making Gabriel look away trying to hide his blush.

"I said whatever he wants. Whatever you want." Gabriel said looking back up at Sam. 

"What do you want, Gabriel?" Sam asked making Gabriel open and close his mouth a few times. "You paused. Do you even know?" Sam said but Gabriel shook his head standing up. 

"I-I-I..." Gabriel couldn't get the words out. He didn't want to say the wrong thing.

"You don't know?! What-" Sam was cut off before he could say anymore. 

"I'm scared!" Gabriel yelled making the three men look at him confused. Gabriel was never scared why was he now.

"I'm scared you don't want what I want. I don't want to say what I want and then you say you don't then we aren't even friends anymore." Gabriel said looking away from the three pairs of eyes on him. 

"I am too, Gabriel," Sam said then there was a long pause.

"So now we're going to sit here in silence because you two are too scared. One of you needs to man up." Dean said looking at the two with an unimpressed look.

"I don't want this to just be sex, Sam," Gabriel said taking a chance hoping Sam wanted the same thing.

"Neither do I," Sam said making Gabriel snap his head up looking at Sam with wide eyes. 

"Really?!" Gabriel said a huge smile on his face making Sam chuckle and nod. Gabriel walked over to Sam and brought him down into a kiss which Sam smiled into the returned.

"We're gonna go. Don't be too loud." Dean said dragging Cas out into the room where Stiles was sleeping.

"I love you," Sam said when they parted from the kiss. Gabriel looked stunned was so happy he was speechless but that's not what Sam thought. "I-I'm sorry just forget it. I mean it." Sam said backing away but Gabriel just pushed him back onto the bed and kissed him with all he had. When he pulled away he looked into Sam's eyes and smiled.

"I love you too Samsquatch," Gabriel said making Sam smile and pull him down into another kiss.


"Why did he leave?" Scott said to Theo who looked up from texting Dylan the whole pack sat in Derek's loft. 

"What?" Theo asked unsure of what Scott meant.

"Why did Dylan leave at lunch?" Scott asked making Theo's heart pound against his chest. 

"Why did your heart speed up?" Liam asked making Theo look at him biting the inside of his cheek trying to calm himself down.

"I don't know," Theo said not answering either question in particular. 

"You don't know why he left lunch or you don't know why your heart sped up?" Liam asked making Theo want to disappear from this conversation. But he just stayed quiet. "What's wrong with you Theo? Ever since you came back you've been... acting weird." Liam said making Theo frown in confusion. Why did Liam care? It's not like he likes Theo at all. 

"Why do you even care about me?" Theo asked him making Liam shake his head.

"Because you're pack. And you're my friend." Liam said making Theo look at him like he was crazy. That made Scott interject. 

"You didn't think we think of you as pack?" Scott asked making Theo shake his head looking at the ground and rub the back of his neck.

"Well, you are. You're part of this pack Theo." Scott said making Theo give him a small smile when he looked up to meet the alpha's eyes. Theo then felt his phone buzz again. He looked at it and he chuckled. 

"What?" Lydia asked and Theo looked up closing his phone.

"Just... Dean telling me Dylan's uncles finally got together." Theo said emphasizing the word finally. 

"Uncles?" Corey said kind of excited.

"Yes, Sam and Gabriel. Pretty much his whole damn family is.... likes the same gender. Including him." Theo said making sure he didn't say the wrong thing. 

"Good save," Derek said making Theo look away.

"He's gay? Is he single?" Mason asked getting a slap on the arm from Corey. 

"No, he's not gay. He went on a rant telling me how he was pan and it's different. And yes he's single." Theo said some look at him in confusion making Theo sigh loudly.

"Pansexual is when someone does care about another person's sexual identity or gender. They love the person for who they are." Theo said making them nod in understanding. 

"Oh good because he's hot," Lydia said making Theo chuckle. It was funny how Lydia thought Stiles was hot, even if she didn't know it was Stiles. It's still funny.

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