Demons At Dinners

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"I told you this wouldn't work," Theo said making Stiles turn and glare at him. 

"You said someone would notice because we were young not because they knew what hunters looked like." Stiles said making Theo give him a 'really' kind of look.

"You're right. You do look very young to be FBI agents. Where are your parents?" Jody asked them and they both looked uncomfortable. 

"Dead." Theo finally said making Jody look at him with sympathy then she looked at Stiles.

"It depends. My adoptive parents or biological?" Stiles said with a smirk on his face. The sheriff narrowed her eyes at the boy. 

"Adoptive." She said making Stiles look over at Theo who shrugged.

"Well adoptive mom is dead while my adoptive dad is the sheriff of Beacon Hills," Stiles said making Jody frown. 

"Alright, I'll call Noah to get him to come to get you then." She said picking up the phone making Theo and Stiles panic.

"No, wait! He thinks I'm dead!" Stiles said in a panic making Theo go wide-eyed while Jody just froze looking at the boy. Then she put the phone down and leaned back in her chair hand on her forehead. 

"Do you two have something to do with the Winchester boys?" Jody said making Stiles and Theo look at each other then back at Jody.

"How do you know Sam and Dean?" Theo asked making Jody look up. 

"My two girls came into my life because of them. Claire and Alex." Jody said smiling at the thought of her two daughters.

"Wait... Claire, like as in Castiel's daughter Claire?" Stiles said making Theo frown in confusion. 

"I thought it was illegal for angels to have kids?" Theo said and Stiles nodded making him even more confused.

"Claire is his vessel Jimmy's daughter," Stiles said making Theo look at him still not understanding. "The person he's possessing. How could you not understand that?" Stiles said making Theo huff and cross his arms.

"Are you forgetting I dropped out of school in fourth grade?" Theo said looking back at Jody who looked very interested. 

"How do you know the Winchester's?" Jody asked snapping them out of their thoughts.

"Oh, I'm Dean's son. This is my friend Theo. I've heard him talk of you before now that I think about it." Stiles said putting his finger on his chin. "Just please don't tell my dad I'm here. He'll kill me because we took his car." Stiles said making Jody smile.

"Would you like to come and have dinner with me and my girls later? I'll tell you all about the case." Jody said making the two boys look at her skeptically. 

"What's the catch?" Theo said exactly what Stiles was about to.

"Tell me and my girls what you went through to get to this point," Jody said Stiles was comfortable with telling them that but he wasn't sure about Theo. He looked over at the chimera and saw the look of uneasiness and fear on his face. 

"We don't have to Theo," Stiles said but Theo shook his head.

"No, it's alright."


"Where are they?" Jody muttered as her, Stiles, and Theo sat waiting at the dinner table. "I'm so sorry boys. They should've been here by now." Jody said putting her head in her hands.

"I-" Stiles didn't get finished comforting her before Theo silenced both of them. 

"Someone's outside," Theo said making Jody perk up.

"Is it-" Jody couldn't finish before Alex and Claire burst through the door. 

Jody, Stiles, and Theo went into the living room seeing Claire and Alex looking like they'd just been in a fight. 

"They just went after us mom!" Alex said as she and Claire ran over to Jody.

"Girls this is Stiles and Theo their here to help. Go get your weapons from your room." Jody said once they heard a bang on the door. 

The two girls ran to their rooms, Stiles and Jody pulled out their guns while Theo wolfed out. Jody's eyes widened at the sight of Theo since they hadn't told them he was a chimera yet. Three demons entered the room smashing the door down to get through.

Stiles and Jody shot at the demons as Claire and Alex also came back with guns pausing for a moment to look at Theo. He attacked one of the demons who got a bit to close holding him down. Stiles started to exercise them. The demon got out of Theo's hold and pulled a knife on him. 

The demon stabbed Theo in the stomach dragging the knife across it just as he was exercised by Stiles. The demons vessels dropped as Theo screamed out in pain. Stiles got down next to Theo cradling his head on his lap as he put pressure on it with one hand.

"W-why aren't you healing?!" Stiles said looking down at the wound then up into Theo's eyes. 

"T-the demon said he knew how to deal with abominations like me," Theo said as blood continued to pour out of his stomach.

"Can you get some towels," Stiles said looking up at Jody, Claire, and Alex who looked stunned. 

"I'll deal with them. Girls help them however you can." Jody said motioning to the bodies. She then went over and started moving them into the back yard.

"Towels?" Stiles said and Alex nodded running off into another room. Claire came over and sat next to Theo. 

"How do you know Jody?" Claire asked trying to keep the focus on something else.

"She kinda caught us trying to be FBI agents to solve this case about the demons." Stiles said not taking his eyes off Theo. 

"And he's kind of the son of Dean Winchester," Theo said with a small smile as Alex came back into the room with towels. Stiles took one putting it on the wound.

"Put pressure on it." Stiles said to Claire who nodded putting both her hands on top of the towel that lay over the wound. 

"I'm going to die Stiles. It's mercury, I'm not going to heal." Theo said looking up at Stiles with blood on his lips.

"What?" Alex said putting another towel on Theo's stomach. 

"He's a chimera. It's like a werewolf but made by scientists. He's half werewolf half werecoyote. Chimeras have what's like an allergic reaction to mercury." Stiles said tears threatening to fall from his eyes. "Please don't die Theo. Please." Stiles said his bottom lip trembling as Jody walked back in. Stiles shifted in his position so he leaned back against the couch with Theo's head still on his lap. "I can't do this without you. I never thought I'd ever say that but it's true. I'm scared. Scared of what will happen if I go back to Beacon Hills. Scared of what Scott and the pack will think. What the sheriff will think. What Derek will think." Stiles said making Theo smile and reach up with one of his bloody hands. He rested it on the side of Stiles face.

"Y-you remembered t-the pack," Theo said then his hand fell to the floor and his eyes slowly closed. 

"Theo?" Stiles said putting his hand on the side of Theo's face starting to panic. "Theo? Open your eyes! Open your eyes Theo!" Stiles yelled tears falling from his eyes onto Theo's face. "No!" Stiles screamed then pulled Theo into his chest. "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up, Theo. Please." Stiles whispered as he listened for a heartbeat in the chimeras chest.

But he didn't find one.

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