Beacon Hills

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A/N: Yo! I put a new cover on the book! I made it myself, I've been procrastinating my homework all day. Now I'm watching supernatural season 7 one of my favs. I'm so pissed they're deleting it off Netflix. Anyways enjoy the chapter thanks for all the votes on my books! Bye!

It's been a month and a half since Theo went back to Beacon Hills. And right now they were in trouble. Four angels were holding them down in Derek's loft. 

Theo was the only one knew why they had appeared. One of the angels walked over to Theo who was pressed against the door.

"Where is the abomination?" The angel asked making Theo growl. 

"I don't know what you're talking about," Theo growled out as the rest of the pack watched.

"Oh, we know you do. So tell us or let's see how Liam does without his lungs." He said pointing to Liam who started to have trouble breathing. Theo was so conflicted and didn't know what to do. But then he knew exactly what to do.

"CASTIEL! GABRIEL! HELP!" Theo screamed the angel stubbles back in surprise. Then two men appeared next to Theo their eyes glowing blue. 

"Don't touch him." They both said then the one wearing a trench coat stabbed the angel who was threatening Liam. Once all the angels were dead Gabriel and Castiel turned to Theo.

"Good to see you again kid," Gabriel said Theo smiled and hugged Cas who was surprised at first but hugged back. 

Gabriel gave the boy a side hug with a smile on his face. They stopped hearing growling from behind them. Gabriel and Castiel pulled out their angel blades but Theo got in front of them. 

"No there good. This is the McCall pack." Theo said almost immediately Gabriel and Castiel put their angel blades away.

"Who are they, Theo?" Scott asked Theo turned to face his pack with a small smile. 

"This is Gabriel and Castiel. Their angels." Theo said making Malia and a few others growl.

"Oh calm your puppy pants," Gabriel said sticking a lollipop in his mouth. 

"These were the people you were with when you were gone?" Liam asked making both Castiel and Gabriel look at Theo.

"That's him?" Castiel asked making the younger wolf frown. 

"Don't even Cas. Or you Gabriel." Theo said making Gabriel chuckle and Castiel look at him confused.

"He means don't say anything about the secret he told us, Cassie," Gabriel said seeing the younger angels confusion. 

"They aren't like the angels we just faced," Theo said making Castiel and Gabriel smile a bit.

"Wait, Gabriel, like the archangel Gabriel?" Mason asked making Gabriel roll his eyes. 

"Yes." He said and Mason smiled looking at Corey who gave him a nod. "Hold on which one of you is Scott?" Gabriel asked and the alpha stepped forward. Gabriel and Castiel looked him up and down then smiled at Theo who rolled his eyes. 

"Alright which one of you is Derek?" Castiel said narrowing his eyes as an older wolf stepped forward looking wary of the two angels.

"He's much older than I thought," Gabriel whispered to Castiel very aware that the wolves could hear him still. 

"Yeah, I don't like him. He looks too angry." Castiel said making Derek glared while the others tried to hold in their laughter.

"Alright, alright. You realize they can hear you right?" Theo said turning to the two angels. 

"Of course we do. We know of all the qualities of all our father's works." Castiel said making Theo blink and look at the ground.

"Anyways how are Dean and Sam doing?" Theo asked making Gabriel and Castiel smile. 

"They're great," Gabriel said blushing slightly making Theo's face scrunch up in disgust.

"How's...?" Theo trailed off not wanting to say his name in front of the others. 

"Oh yeah, he's happy. Call anytime Theo. If you need help. We're being called back to the bunker." Castiel said hearing Stiles' voice call both their names. 

Theo nodded and both the angels disappeared. Then Theo turned back to his pack who had many different expressions on their faces.

"So you're all goody goody with angels now?" Peter was the first to ask and Theo nodded. 

"I know Castiel's son. He's like a brother to me so yes I know them well. They helped me when I was gone." Theo said making Scott cross his arms.

"Yeah, you never told us what happened when you were gone." He said making Theo look away. 

"I was going to come back after a week of being gone but I got jumped. By vampires so I spent the next two weeks in a barn being fed off of." Theo said making them look at him with sympathy.

"Then three people came to rescue us. They were hunters. They rescued me and the other two people that were in the barn. Sam, Dean, and Dean's son. Winchester's." Theo said making Allison, Derek, and Peter gasp. They knew who the Winchester's were, almost all hunters and monsters did. 

"You were with Winchester's?" Peter said anger in his voice making Theo gulp.

"What's so bad about Winchester's?" Scott asked making Derek huff in anger at the chimera. 

"They're the biggest baddest hunters in the world. They know angels, they know Lucifer, they know the king of hell, they even know God himself." Peter said making them all go wide-eyed except Theo who knew these things.

"They're the shoot first ask questions later type of hunter. You don't cross them or you die. I didn't know Dean had a son." Derek said narrowing his eyes at the chimera. 

"Didn't you say he was Castiel's son?" Kira asked making Theo nod hesitantly.

"Yes. He's both Dean's and Cas' son." Theo said making them frown in confusion. 

"Angels can get pregnant no matter their gender," Theo said making Lydia frown.

"He's a Nephilim? Aren't those illegal?" Lydia asked and Theo looked away knowing he was getting too deep into answering these questions. 

"Yes, to both those things. But having an angel, the two best hunters, an archangel, the king of hell, and a more than a few others on their side helps keep the angels like the ones who just threatened us away." Theo said.

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