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Stiles moved to go past Chuck to hug his pack but Chuck stopped him. He leaned over to whisper something in Stiles' ear.

"They'll love you no matter what you've done or where you've been or who you are."

They parted and Stiles gave Chuck a heartwarming smile that almost glowed. Chuck smiled back and nodded then let him go. 

Stiles didn't want to go to the pack first so he went and hugged Dean who wrapped his arms around his son almost immediately.

"We're okay, everyone's okay Stiles," Dean said making Sam and Castiel smile while Gabriel tried to hide it. 

"Stiles how the hell are you alive?" Lydia asked as Stiles pulled away. She had tear stains on he cheeks like most of the other pack members.

"Castiel brought him back because I told him too," Chuck said making everyone look at Chuck then back at Stiles. 

"But Theo said you knew him while he was away. That would mean you've been alive for months." Scott said making Stiles look to the floor in shame.

"I've been back for a few months," Stiles said but before anyone could say anymore Gabriel interrupted. 

"Seven months." He said making Stiles glare daggers at him.

"Seven months?!" They yelled looking at Stiles like he'd grown a second head. They were all angry, no they were furious. 

"Why didn't you come and see us?" Derek asked hurt clear in his eyes and it made Stiles feel so bad.

"I wanted to protect you. That's a shitty reason I know but there are so many bad things that follow me. We've all died at least once." Stiles said gesturing to Sam, Dean, Castiel, Gabriel, and Theo which made the pack frown a bit. "More than once for them," Stiles said gesturing to the older two Winchester's and the two angels. "And I was scared. I was so scared that you guys wouldn't want me anymore. I was scared of what you'd think because I'm a hunter because I'm a Winchester." Stiles said making Dean and Sam look at each other. 

"I-" they both started but Stiles turned and glared. They backed down immediately and Stiles turned back to the pack.

"We don't give a shit about what you're last name is Stiles," Allison said making Stiles smile at her. 

"I'm sorry," Stiles said a tear slipping out of his eye.

"It's okay. You're here now. We're glad you're alive." Scott said hugging his best friend who hugged back immediately. Stiles hugged everyone then got to Derek.

"I'd be mad at you... but I missed you too much," Derek said making Stiles smiled at him then they wrapped their arms around each other. When they pulled apart Derek didn't let go he put his hands on the sides of Stiles' face looking into his watery eyes. "I missed you so much," Derek said wiping the tear that fell from his eye.

"I missed you too," Stiles said then leaned up and kissed him. Derek kissed back immediately moving one of his hands to Stiles back while Stiles put his on Derek's shoulders. 

"Watch the hands wolfie," Dean said making Stiles pull away from Derek and turn to his dad.

"You make out with pop in the kitchen all the time," Stiles said making Cas blush while Dean shook his head. 

"That's different," Dean said making Stiles glare at him then turn back to Derek giving him a quick peck on the lips then turning back to the pack.

"I haven't seen Derek smile since you..." Isaac trailed off making Stiles chuckle. 

"Since I died? You can say it. A large number of people in this room have died and came back." Stiles said and Isaac nodded still a bit uncomfortable with saying it.

"More people than just Theo have died in their pack?" Sam asked making Stiles nod. 

"The deal I made was to bring back Allison, Aiden, everyone who the nogitsune killed when I was possessed, and a boy named Oliver," Stiles said smiling at the thought of his old friend. He needed to call him some time.

"Wait you died?" Liam said looking at Theo with crazy eyes making him look at Stiles. 

"Told you," Stiles said making the two hunters and their angels chuckle a bit.

"Aw does Liam care about me?" Theo said making Liam blush slightly and look away. 

"A little," Liam said making Theo look at him surprised.

"Just kiss already," Gabriel said rolling his eyes and walking over to Sam. 

"What?" Liam said blushing a bright red.

"Everyone knows you two like each other Liam. It's no secret." Scott said making Liam look at Theo surprised. 

"You like me?" Liam asked making Theo roll his eyes.

"Yes, of course, I do," Theo said and this time Castiel interjected. 

"You are all he talked about when he was staying with us." The angel said making Theo blush. Liam smiled at the chimera walking up to him.

"Hypothetically, what would you do if I said I liked you back?" Liam said as they stood arm's length apart. 

"I'd probably do this," Theo said stepping toward Liam and putting his hands on the shorter boys hips. Liam's heart skipped a beat and every wolf heard it.

"I-I...." Liam couldn't speak so he just grabbed the back of Theo's head and pulled him down into a kiss. 

"Hey, Sam why don't we do some of that back at the hotel?" Gabriel said pressing himself up against the Winchester's side and putting his hand on Sam's ass.

"Yes." Sam breathed out and they were gone in not a second to waste apparently. 

"Oh great. I'm not going back to the hotel. Ever." Stiles said Derek grabbed his hand intertwining their fingers.

"Stiles, how did you get God to come and help you?"

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