Bright Eyes

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Castiel woke up in the dark.

He felt numb.

He turned around hearing the faint giggles of a boy. He frowned then turned again to see a large white house with trees surrounding it. There were two children playing in the front yard. Then another came running out of the house. 

There were two boys and one girl. They looked no older than 6. But then what shocked him was who came out of the house next. Stiles, Claire, Alex, and a man with raven hair and green eyes. Castiel got behind a tree looking at the scene confused by it.

Just then four cars rolled up to the house. He recognized one of them to be the Impala. Sam, Dean, Gabriel, and himself with different clothes on got out of the Impala. Then some more teenagers got out of the other cars. Castiel his behind the tree not sure if he was able to be seen.

Two of the little boys ran up and hugged both Sam and Gabriel yelling 'dads' which made Castiel even more confused. The girl ran over to the dean and jumped into his arms. The other Castiel that stood beside dean kissed the little girl's forehead smiling at her.

"Look who just rolled into town for a while!" Dean said gesturing to the teens that stood behind him, his brother, and the two angels. 

"Oh my god!" Stiles yelled running down the stairs of the porch and hugging a boy with a crooked jaw. 

Claire, Alex, and the man walked over to the teens as well as giving them hugs. But then the crooked jawed boy stiffened turning toward Castiel who quickly hid behind a tree.

"Alex, Claire can you put the kids inside?" The boy asked stepped toward the edge of the forest where Castiel hid behind a tree. 

"What is it, Scott?" A girl with red hair asked the man who had been on the porch with Stiles sniffed the air as well.

"Someone's here." The man said making the wolves growl eyes glowing. Castiel knew he was in trouble now. 

"How'd they get past the barrier? It's warded heavily against anything and everything." The other Castiel asked Claire and Alex took the kids up to his the porch watching what happened. The group walked toward Castiel who was now very nervous, not fearful though.

"It's an angel," Gabriel said they got about twenty steps away from the edge of the forest and stopped. Dean, Sam, and Stiles took out their guns while the wolves growled. 

"Come out and drop your weapons!" Stiles yelled holding his gun up while Castiel took his angel blade in his hand. He threw it out so they could see he was unarmed.

"Alright now come out!" Sam said Castiel, not his lip nervously and stepped out from behind the tree. They all stared at him in shock and confusion then they looked at their Castiel who looked even more confused. 

"I'm not here to hurt any of you. I-I don't know how I got here." Castiel said looking at all of them then at Dean for a little longer.

"Are you Castiel?" The crooked jawed asked everyone looked at him with an 'are you serious' kind of look. 

"Yes. Who else would I be?" The angel said making a few snicker at him.

"Where am I? Why is everything so different here?" Castiel asked making them all frown in confusion. 

"What year are you from Castiel?" The man who stood close to Stiles said.

"2017." He said making them frown again. It was the same year in both places why did he say things were different. 

"What's different Cas?" Dean asked the angel who looked at all of the people in the group. The ones he knew, their faces were... brighter.

They looked happier.

"You all look happier." He said making the hunters lower their guns and the wolves retract their claws. Stiles stepped toward the confused angel who looked wary of him. 

"Would you like to come in for dinner?" Stiles asked making Castiel look him up and down quickly before finally speaking.

"O-okay." Castiel hesitated still not sure what all this was. 

"Come on then," Stiles said putting out his hand for Castiel to shake.

"I'm Stiles Winchester." He said Castiel took his hand and shook it gently. Castiel smiled softly when he saw the pure happiness in Stiles' eyes.

No fear.

No death.

No sadness.

Just pure happiness. Castiel loved it. He wished his Stiles would let his eyes light up like that again. He'd only seen it twice. When Stiles was born, then when he and Theo were laughing about a joke in the war room.

Then Stiles cleared his throat trying to get Castiel's attention. He had noticed the angel had drifted off still holding his hand.

"Castiel?" Stiles said making Castiel jump and let go. 

"S-sorry. I just haven't seen your eyes light up like that in a long time." Castiel said making Stiles smile fall. Stiles told him to follow and he did. He was wary as the group watched his every move.

He followed Stiles into the house looking around in amazement. It was beautiful and so big.

"Wow, it's so beautiful," Castiel said looking around as the group walked into the dining room which was huge. 

The table could seat everyone but Alex did have to add another chair for Castiel. He sat down between Stiles and Dean. The meals were already served but Castiel frowned. 

"Um... I don't eat." Castiel said making them all look up from their food.

"I'll take it!" One of the boys said grabbing his plate and dumping the food into his plate. 

"Hey, I wanted it!" Another boy said Castiel looked around the table at everyone.

"Oh, Castiel do you know everyone here?" Stiles asked making Castiel look at him and shake his head. 

"Alright, well this is Derek, Lydia, Scott, Isaac, Liam, Theo, Jackson, Ethan, Kira, Mason, Corey, Malia, and Peter. Anyone else you don't know?" Stiles asked Castiel looked around and saw a blonde boy as well as the three children.

"I don't know him," Castiel said looking at the blonde boy who looked away. 

"That's Jack. Anyone else?" Stiles said smiling at him Castiel looked at the three children who were smiling at him fondly.

"The children I don't know them," Castiel said making everyone go silent. Castiel didn't understand why they didn't speak. 

"That's Cameron, Layla, and Tristan. Layla is Dean and this Castiel's daughter, Cameron and Tristan are Sam and Gabriel's, sons." Stiles said Castiel looked at the happy people around him. 

He realized what this place was now. This happy, no worries, no pain place.

It was what would've happened if he kept Stiles.

What would've happened if he told Dean.

'No Castiel it's not. This is heaven. It's Dean's heaven, Stiles' heaven, Sam's heaven, Derek's heaven, Scott's heaven, Theo's heaven, Gabriel's heaven... your heaven.'

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