An Old Enemy, A New Friend.

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"Okay, Stiles you have you're-" Stiles pulled out the machete and put it up to Dean's face. 

"Yes, I do," Stiles said and they all walked toward the large barn that the vampires were in.

"Be careful guys," Dean said as they got to the barn. 

"Always are," Sam said as they snuck into the barn.

Sam went left while Dean went right with Stiles. They saw all the hammocks that the vampires slept in but there was only one. It woke up but before it could do anything Sam cut its head off. They met back at another door across from where they came in and tried to listen in. 

They didn't hear anything but then the doors opened and ten vamps came out. Stiles had killed three when he noticed Sam and Dean with all the others. He went to help but Dean stopped him.

"No Stiles! Get the hostages!" He yelled to his son who nodded then went into the other room. He quietly walked around the corner and saw two vampires.

"Well, well, if it isn't a hunter. You're just a kid." One said chuckling making Stiles jaw clench. 

"Looks inexperienced too." Another said laughing with the other.

"Don't underestimate a Winchester," Stiles said making their faces fall and Stiles smirk.

He got into position machete in one hand a syringe with dead man's blood in the other. The vampires lunged at him and he fought them off. He cut ones head off but not before getting a punch to the stomach. 

The other was much stronger. They fought, the vamp got Stiles two in the face with his fist so he was bleeding from a cut on his cheek and dropped his machete. 

But he kicked the vampire in the stomach giving him time to inject him with dead man's blood. Then he grabbed his machete off the floor and cut the vamps head off getting blood all over his clothes in the process. Stiles was breathing heavily he wiped his machete on his jacket sleeve then smiled at the hostages.

"I think I'm getting good at this," Stiles said looking at the three hostages. 

Two looked very scared while one just looked at him like he was seeing a ghost. Stiles ignored his stare going over to a couple who were huddled together. He kneeled down in front of them and started to undo their ropes. 

"My name is Stiles Winchester my father, uncle, and I are going to help you. So just stay here while I get him." Stiles said nodding toward the sandy blonde haired boy. 

Stiles went over to him and saw he was in heavy chains. But they weren't just chains they had mountain ash all over them. But the boy didn't seem to care he was mesmerized by Stiles.

"I'm going to get you out of these chains," Stiles said moving the chains around while the boy just stared. 

"H-how are you alive?" The boy finally spoke his voice rough and scratchy from screaming. Stiles looked up at the boy with wide eyes.

"Y-you know me?" Stiles asked making the boy frown but nod anyway. 

"Yeah, Stiles everyone was heartbroken when you died. I had to comfort Liam for weeks and sit through endless cry sessions with the pack. I saw your dead body laying in Derek's arms when I got to the loft. I've never seen Derek cry. You dying broke them." The boy said he reached up and touched Stiles face trying to see if it was real. No Stiles and he didn't get along but seeing Stiles dead was shocking to Theo.

"I don't remember them. Only Derek and Jackson." Stiles said making the boy frowned. Then two people ran into the room holding machetes and guns. 

"Stiles! You were supposed to-" Dean was stopped by Sam who noticed the two.

"W-why are you with hunters Stiles?" The boy asked backing away from Sam and Dean as they got closer. 

"We're not going to hurt you kid," Dean said but the boy only gripped the front of Stiles shirt.

"But you're hunters that's what you do to people like me." The grey-eyed boy said making Stiles put his hand on the boy's shoulder. 

"They're okay. They won't hurt you. Right!" Stiles said turning to his father and uncle glaring and they nodded.

"What's your name?" Stiles asked and again the boy looked at him shocked. 

"You really don't remember me?" The boy asked and Stiles looked at him for a moment then shook his head.

"No, but could you tell me about my past life?" Stiles asked the boy hesitated but nodded. 

"Not all of it because I was only in some of it. But I guess I could." The boy said making Stiles smile. They got the boy out of the chains and helped him up. They walked out of the barn.

"What are you?" Sam asked and the boy gulped as the walked out to the Impala. 

"I'm a chimera." The blonde boy said when they stopped at the Impala. They all looked confused when he said that and he sighed.

"I was made by things called dread doctors. I was the first, it was when I was eight. They convinced me my sister wanted me to have her heart. So I let her drown in a river into winter..." he paused and the three hunters looked at the boy with sympathy. "Then they made me half werecoyote, half werewolf with my sister's heart beating inside my chest." The boy said placing his hand over his heart as he looked at the ground. 

He had a constant fear of his sister popping out of the ground to take him back.

"You never told us your name," Sam said the boy looked at them his hand falling to his side as he looked up. 

He looked at Stiles hoping the boy would never remember what he did. Not so he could torment him again. So maybe he could get a fresh start with him.

"Theo. Theo Raeken."

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