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Everyone stood outside the hotel. The Winchester's and their angels stood by the Impala. The pack stood across from them.

"You don't have to go," Scott said but Stiles shook his head a small smile on his face. 

"I have to. I've been dead for over a year I think it'll be weird if I all of a sudden showed up in town alive and well." Stiles said making Scott nod.

"You guys can come to the bunker any time. You're always welcome." Castiel said hitting Dean's arm before he could protest. 

"Yeah totally," Dean said making some of them laugh.

Stiles hugged all his friends but Derek which made the pack frown including Derek. The Winchester's and their angels didn't seem to see it. They went to get in the Impala but stopped when Stiles looked up.

"You coming, Derek?" Stiles said making Derek go wide-eyed. 

"Really?" He asked making Stiles smile and nod. Derek looked a Dean and Castiel for approval which Castiel smiled and nodded. But Dean he kinda glares.

"We've discussed it and all agreed you could stay. We know that you being away from Stiles hurts both of you." Castiel said smiling at the wolf. He thought of Derek as good for his son. He was kinda like Dean, rough on the outside but caring on the inside. 

"Even Dean agreed?" Derek asked an eyebrow raised not sure he believed the angel.

"I don't wanna talk about it," Dean said then got into the driver's seat. 

"But we all can't fit inside the car," Derek said Gabriel smiled grabbing Sam's hand.

"Don't worry I'm flying Sammich and I here back to the bunker," Gabriel said then they disappeared. 

Derek smiled at Stiles then walked over and kissed him. The kiss was filled with passion and love. Stiles smiled into the kiss, when he pulled away he smiled looking up at Derek. 

"Come on let's go," Stiles said they looked back at the pack who was smiling at them.

"Come over anytime guys. If you need help don't hesitate to call us. We'll be here in a second if you need help." Stiles said and they nodded. 

Stiles was about to get in the car but he looked back at the pack one last time. Theo caught his eye and he realized he forgot to hug Theo. No one had seen how close they were. Stiles fast walked toward the pack and Theo weaved his way to the front of the pack. 

The two boys collided arms wrapping around each other. The pack looked at them a bit confused as to why they were like this. Stiles tucked his face into Theo's neck. 

Theo felt his neck start to get wet and he smiled slightly. He pulled away to look at Stiles but he looked down. Theo put his hand on the Nephilim's cheek making Stiles look at him.

Scott and some of the others in the pack frowned. Scott looked a bit hurt while the others looked interested in what the two were about to speak to each other about.

"You'll be fine without me," Theo said making Stiles shake his head. The pack looked very interested and shocked as the two boys embraced each other.

"No, I..." Stiles trailed off looking up at Theo who shook his head.

"You'll be fine. You got Derek now. Your uncles and dads are with you too. So you'll be okay." Theo said smiling at Stiles who smiled back. 

They embraced each other once more than Theo gave him a pat on the shoulder and they stepped back. 

"Goodbye, brother," Stiles said smiling making Theo smile widely.

"Bye, brother," Theo said Stiles went back to the car getting back in with Derek who was already inside. Stiles smiled and waved as they drove away.

Derek turned to his boyfriend when he heard a sniffle. He grabbed Stiles hand and intertwined their fingers. Stiles looked at him with a grateful smile on his face.

Stiles was glad he had Derek as well as his family. He knew he had people to turn to when he needed them. He had a caring boyfriend who would protect him. 

Even if he could do it himself. He had two uncles that were great at giving him advice. And one of the most important things. 

He had two amazing father's who kept him strong and taught him hunting and how to use his angel abilities. He was happy with how all of these things turned out in the end.

So as Dean drove the Impala back to the bunker, back home, with everyone inside Stiles thought. He thought of all the bad things they would have to encounter in the future. All the fun times they would have. All the people he would meet. And maybe someday he'd have a kid of his own. To teach, protect, laugh with, and love.

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