New Wolf

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The pack stood in the loft freaking out about what they had just heard. Before the line had gone dead they heard a gunshot. Was Stiles dead? Is he hurt? They were all trying to figure out what happened. But then a ring came from Derek's phone and he picked it up to see Stiles was FaceTiming him.

"Stiles!" He yelled at the screen was black but then it was picked up and you could see Stiles face he was sitting on a hotel bed with his shirt off. His face was bleeding, and he had a black eye.

"Hey sorry about that I had to... take care of something," Stiles said then looked down at his torso. He had a large cut on his side caused by a werewolf he didn't expect to be on the road.

"Are you okay?! What happened?!" Scott yelled worried for his best friend. Stiles rolled his eyes then propped his phone up against his book. They could see the whole room as well as the other cuts on Stiles' torso.

"Oh my god! Who did that to you?! Are those werewolf claw marks?" Derek asked Stiles looked up at them and gave them a 'really' kind of look.

"You're werewolves what do you think?" Stiles said sarcastically then went back to sewing himself up.

"He came up to my window while I was talking to you and almost broke it. He won't bother anyone else anymore." Stiles said under his breath the pack's eyes widened when they heard him say that.

"You killed him?!" They yelled Stiles paused cursing under his breath before looking up at some angry faces through the phone.

"Well yeah. He was rouge you can't help rouge werewolves. The only reason you guys haven't encountered any is because you're in claimed territory. And from what other rogues have told me. No one messes with the Hales or a true alpha. So you'll be fine." Stiles said as he finished sewing himself up.

"You've talked to other werewolves?" Derek asked Stiles looked up and smiled.

"Well they were rouge so more like captured then they told me I smelt like a Hale. So they wanted to get away. But they didn't. That was a few weeks ago." Stiles said putting a shirt back on but before he could Lydia has to say something.

"Have you been working out? You look... great." Lydia said as Stiles pulled down his shirt he smiled and nodded.

"Yeah running, hand to hand, weapons training and a whole bunch of other things," Stiles said holding up a gun and smiling again.

"Stiles!" That came from just outside Stiles room and a knock came with it.

"Give me a second," Stiles said then got up and they heard a gun cock they held their breath not wanting to hear their friend get shot. But when Stiles opened the door he only saw someone he never thought he'd see again.

"Oliver? What are you doing here?!" Stiles yelled then pulled him into the room checking behind him if there was anyone following him.

"Well I caught you-" Stiles stopped him covering Oliver's mouth and pointing to his phone.

"Careful what you say. I'm in a call with someone." Stiles said then passed Oliver a flask and a silver knife then sat down in front of the phone again.

"You know I can't do that," Oliver said talking about the silver knife knowing it could seriously injure a werewolf.

"Yeah right keep forgetting, just do the flask then, I think I trust you," Stiles said making the others look through the phone confused. Oliver drank the holy water then sat down next to him.

"Who's this?" Derek growled causing Oliver to immediately look at him.

"This is Oliver. Oliver this is Derek, and the rest of the pack." Stiles said pointing to Oliver than to the phone then he smiled and nodded.

"Nice to meet you guys. Stiles has told me all about you. Good and bad. It's great to work with someone who knows all about us." Oliver said in his British accent. The pack again looked confused.

"Oh yeah, you look confused. I'm a werewolf-" Oliver was cut off by Stiles' hand over his mouth. Before he could say anything more.

"Hunters caused him to run from his pack," Stiles said then Oliver took his hand away and pulled Stiles closer so he could whisper in his ear.

"Why does Derek keep growling? Does he like you or something?" Oliver said then bit Stiles earlobe as he pulled away. Making Stiles blush and Derek growl. Oliver laughed hitting Stiles on the arm lightly.

"Anyway let me see what happened," Oliver said as he stopped laughing. Stiles lifted his shirt and showed him the bullet wound and the claw marks.

"Yeah, you'll be fine. Not as bad as last time." Oliver said Stiles put his shirt back down.

"I never thought you'd come back after what happened last time you know. Why did you?" Stiles said turning to Oliver completely.

"I was being stupid. It was my fault. I also caught your sent and the smell of your blood so I thought you were really hurt. Just because I left doesn't mean I don't care about you." Oliver said putting a hand on Stiles' knee. Derek wanted to rip this guys throat out.

"Thanks. Anyways... Is there anything else you want to ask before I hang up?" Stiles asked turning back to the phone.

"Yeah what exactly do you do for your job?" Scott asked Stiles gulped and turned to Oliver who put his hands in the air.

"You're on your own." He said making Stiles groan and turn back to the phone.

"I don't really think it's important right now. I have my secret you have yours." Stiles said making half of them roll their eyes.

"Oh and before you go. The only reason I called was because of Derek." Stiles said then ended the call before anyone else could say anything.

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