Wings & God

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"How did you not catch him?! He doesn't know how to use his wings!" The pack was listening in on the angels even who were talking at the other end of the warehouse. 

"I'm sorry. Castiel flew him and the chimera somewhere." Another angel said meanwhile Derek was trying to pick the lock with his claws.

"That's not going to work Derek." They all looked up to see an angel staring down at them. "You can't unlock those. Only an angel can and well," he paused looking over at Castiel and Gabriel. "Your angels seem to be tied up at the moment." He finished causing some of the wolves to growl. The rest of the angels walked over and stood by his side.

"Where's the abomination?" He asked Derek who narrowed his eyes. 

"If I knew where Dylan was, believe me, I'd tell you in a heartbeat," Derek said making the angel frown but then look over at the two hunters and angels.

"They don't know do they?" He asked making the four of them glare at the angel. 

"Dylan didn't want to tell them. And if you say anything I'll make it the last thing you say." Dean threatened which made the angels smile.

"You don't know who he really is?" The angel said kneeling in front of Derek who looked confused. "I would expect you could catch his sent. Or did he convince you he was clueless about it?" The angel asked making them frown and their heartbeats speed up. Was it him? No, it couldn't be. Could it?

"Get away from them!" Someone yelled from behind the angels. They turned to see Theo and Stiles in Dylan's form standing there. 

"Well if it isn't both the abominations." One of the angels said making Theo gulp and Stiles clench his jaw.

"We both know you can't use much of your grace in that form. You have to take the necklace off some time." Another angel said making Stiles nod. 

"I know. I was going to do it anyways. Why not now?" Stiles said then grabbed the dog tag and pulled it over his head. 

As his face changed he put the dog tag in his pocket. The whole pack looked like... well like someone who just saw their friend after months and months of being dead.

"S-Stiles?" Derek choked out Stiles stared at them a tear going down his face. 

"Hey, sourwolf," Stiles said smiling at his pack he died for. Stiles took a deep breath wiping his face. "Stay away from them," Stiles said anger clear on his face. 

Both Stiles and Theo's eyes glowed a golden color but it was two different shades. Theo growled baring his teeth while a bright white and blue light glowed from beside Stiles it was almost blinding. 

"Hey, Stiles." The light disappeared and a man stood there.

A short man with brown hair, a weird smile, and stubble.

The man and Theo put their hands on Stiles' shoulder. Then another not as blinding bright white light came from behind Stiles. Then black and light blue wings unfolded from behind Stiles. 

They weren't as big as a normal angels wings but Stiles liked them. The man had a white light around him that wasn't as bright as before. Theo was fully shifted and a shadow of a wolf was in front of him instead of a human shadow.

"Let them go!" Stiles yelled his voice echoing throughout the warehouse. The angels were afraid but stood their ground. 

"No." They all said at once then one of them stepped forward.

"You need to come with us, Stiles. You are to be killed immediately because of what you are. You could destroy us all." He said Theo and the man let go of Stiles' shoulder. Stiles folded his wings back and they disappeared and Theo shifted back into his human form. 

"Let the boy and his friends go." The man said stepping forward.

"Chuck?" Sam and Dean said confused as to how and why he was here. Chuck looked over at them and winked. 

"Who are you?" The angel asked looking the man up and down. Chuck disappeared then reappeared behind the angels and in front of the pack. 

"My name is Chuck. But you know me as God." He said making everyone but Theo and Stiles go wide-eyed.

"Yeah, right." One angel said while Chuck's expression didn't change. 

"You wanna find out the hard way. I do not want to have to kill my children but I will to be able to save these people." Chuck said making the angels look unsure now.

"Why are you trying to save him? He's an abomination!" One said making Chuck look at Stiles and smile. 

"No. He's not. He's one of the best creatures I've created. You should respect him as a higher power than you. Yes, he could destroy all of us but I trust Stiles in doing the right thing when the time comes." Chuck said making the angels look a bit scared. "Go back to heaven my children," Chuck said the angels hesitated not going at first. "NOW!" Chuck yelled making everyone flinch. 

The angels then disappeared only the sound of wings left behind. Chuck then snapped his fingers and no one was chained up anymore. Chuck then walked over to Stiles smiling at the boy who smiled back.

"Thank you so much, Chuck," Stiles said hugging the man who hesitated because he was surprised at the gesture but hugged back. 

"It was no problem, Stiles. I will always be here for you." Chuck said then looked over at Theo who was still a bit nervous.

"Don't be nervous Theo. I'm proud of you for helping Stiles. Yes, you made mistake but those things were always meant to happen that way." Chuck said smiling at the boy who smiled back. 

"Stiles?" Chuck turned they all looked to see the pack, the Winchester's, and the two angels.

"Hey, guys," Stiles said giving them a small smile. Derek was trying to fight back tears while Scott and some others didn't care and let them fall.

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