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The next morning Stiles and Oliver drove back to Bobby's in silence. But Stiles couldn't handle the silence. He didn't like it he wanted to talk to Oliver.

"So... why did you leave?" Stiles asked Oliver sighed then turned to Stiles. "Because I felt it was best. I was the cause of what happened to you. I was the reason that you had to do that! I've tried to get them to take me instead but they won't! Why wouldn't you just let me stay dead?!" Oliver yelled tears now streaming down his face. Stiles sighed then looked at him for a moment before pulling over and turning completely toward him.

"I didn't just save you, Oliver," Stiles said and Oliver looked at him confused as he wiped some of his tears. "I saved a couple other friends of mine too. I have one more month left. At the end of it, I'm going to go back home and say goodbye. 8 hours before I'm taken those friends I save come back. Allison, Aiden, all the people I killed when I was possessed. But no one in the town but the pack will know they were dead." Stiles said putting a hand on Oliver's cheek lifting his face so they were looking into each other's eyes.

"I did it because I care about you. Maybe more than I should." Stiles said a tear going down his face. Oliver leaned forward connecting their lips. Stiles kissed back as Oliver put his hand on the back of Stiles' neck. Stiles unbuckled himself and moved to get on top of Oliver. He put his hands on Stiles waist and Stiles moved his hips down onto Oliver's making their bulges rub together. Stiles moved down to Oliver's neck biting and sucking. But the marks soon faded and Oliver moaned bucking his hips into Stiles'.

But when he stopped when he put his head into the crook of Stiles' neck to take in his sent. It wasn't all Stiles sent. It was another wolf's as well, someone's already claimed him. Not completely but senting them enough to make other wolves back off before claiming him as their own. Oliver froze and opened his eyes wide. Stiles felt him freeze and pulled away slightly.

"What's wrong? Did I do something? Am I-" Oliver cut off Stiles by pushing him off into the driver's seat. Stiles felt hurt and tears went down his face. Oliver just put his head in his hands not knowing what to do. Who could this other wolf be? Was it someone in his old pack? Were they going to hurt him because of what he had just done?

"You didn't do anything," Oliver said looking up at Stiles and wiping his tears away. "What's wrong then?" Stiles asked pulling away and wiping his face with his sleeve.

"I can't do that. I want to I really do but..." he stopped not knowing if he should say or not. "But?" Stiles said wanting him to continue. Oliver looked away turning his body toward the road.

"A wolf has already claimed you. Probably someone in your pack. I can't do anything with you." He said Stiles frowned then thought of who it could be. Who could have gotten that close without him knowing what they were actually doing? That could have been a lot of people. "A werewolf shouldn't have claimed a hunter. It's one thing to sleep with them but have them as their mate?" Stiles said with a slight chuckle.

"You're a good liar." Oliver chuckled as they both laughed for a while. "Friends?" Stiles said starting the car hoping Oliver was okay with that. Oliver chuckled and nodded.

"No more no less. Right?" Oliver said Stiles smiled and nodded then they drove off toward Bobby's house.

That night Stiles lay in bed thinking about the next month and how it would go. He wondered who could have claimed him in his pack. It could have literally been anyone. He thought about his options. Oliver said it was a werewolf so it couldn't have been one of the girls. Liam? Isaac? Scott??? No, it couldn't have been Scott. Could it? Stiles didn't know what to think anymore. He tried to get it out of his head but he couldn't. He needed to know who claimed him.

And why.

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