The End

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A/N: Video above doesn't have any relation to the book I just needed a crossover vid between the two tv shows.

"Hey, guys," Stiles said as he entered the war room. Everyone looked up at him. 

The pack, his dads, uncles, Derek, Charlie, Jody, Claire, and Alex stood there. He carried a three-year-old girl in his arms. She had just woke up from her nap, the small girl rubbed her eyes and smiled at the group. 

"Oh my goodness you've grown so much Talia!" Charlie squealed smiling at the girl who waved at her. 

Stiles put her down and she ran to Charlie hugging her. Stiles hadn't seen the pack since Talia was born almost three years ago. So right when Talia was out of the way Theo tackled him to the ground.

"Oh jeez, Theo. Love ya too man but you're too heavy." Stiles gasped out making Theo mutter a quick sorry then get up offering Stiles a hand which he took. "Good to see you too Theo. Where's Liam?" Stiles asked looking around then Liam appeared next to Theo holding onto his arm and smiling.

"Right here!" The younger beta said making Stiles smile at the boy then hug him. But before he pulled away he sensed something with Liam. 

"Liam are you pregnant?" Stiles asked making Liam and Theo smile at him. Stiles went wide-eyed and hugged both of them again. "Oh my goodness that's amazing!" Stiles smiled at them widely. "How long?" Stiles asked but before they could finish Scott interrupted them.

"Hold on, Liam you're what?" Scott asked the wolves had been listening but missed what he had said. 

"Two months Stiles. And I'm pregnant." Liam said blushing making them all smile at the beta.

Everyone congratulated the two boys and said 'hello' to Stiles and Talia wishing her happy birthday. Everyone had been really busy these past three years. 

Scott and Kira now have a one-year-old girl named Alyssa, Allison and Isaac have a two-year-old boy named Niko, Claire was still living with Jody doing some hunting, Alex now had a boyfriend and was off to college, Castiel and Dean had another boy who is six named Jake, Gabriel and Sam now have a five-year-old named Sawyer. 

Most of the pack was off to college or had apartments on their own, Derek, Stiles, Talia, Dean, Castiel, Jake, Gabriel, Sam, and Sawyer still live in the bunker together.

Everyone had their own lives the Winchester's and their angels didn't really go on hunts anymore since they had children to look after but every once and a while they'd go one altogether. 

Beacon Hills was quiet and didn't have much going on same with Heaven and Hell. Demons still did their deals, Heaven stopped bothering them and was back in order. 

Chuck gave them congratulations on their kids when they were born and every year a present sits in the child's room with a note wishing them love and to have a wonderful year. He even does it for the pack members children, as well as the parents.

"Stiles!" Stiles turned away from Derek to see who it was and Saw Jake at his feet. He had watery eyes and bloody hands. "Oh, Jakey what happened to your hands?" Stiles said picking his little brother up off the ground. 

He looked at the boy's hands and saw they were self-inflicted. He dug his own nails into the palms of his hands.

"Why did you do this Jake?" Dean asked when he saw the blood on Jakes' hands. Castiel walked up and healed his son while looking at him with sad eyes. 

"I-I saw something scary," Jake said tears slipping out of his eyes. 

Stiles frowned sitting Jake on the war table while he sat in the chair in front of him. The room was silent they all looked at Jake with confusion and curiosity.

"I saw Talia, and Sawyer, and Alyssa, and Niko, and me, a-and I saw Lena," Jake said pausing to wipe his face. 

"Who is Lena, Jake?" Castiel asked making Jake look up at him then look over at Liam.

"Her!" He said pointing to Liam's stomach. "That's Liam, Jake," Dean said making Jake shake his head.

"No, she's inside him right now!" Jake said making them all look over at Liam who put a hand on his stomach. 

"He means the baby," Theo said making them all frown confused as to why this little boy knew her name when no one even knew it was a girl yet.

"That was our name choice if we had a girl," Liam said making them all look back at Jake.

"How did you know that Jake?" Derek asked kneeling beside Stiles.

"Because the voices told me," Jake said making them frown again. 

Was it angel radio? No then the rest of the angels and Nephilim in the room would have heard it. 

"What did you see Jake?" Sam asked making Jake look over at Talia who was in Charlie's arms.

"You saw it too," Jake said they looked over at Talia who nodded. 

"We all did even Lena," Talia said making them all go wide-eyed as Charlie brought Talia over and put her next to Jake.

"What did you see?" Gabriel repeated the question Sam had asked a few seconds ago. 

"I saw us. We were teenagers 13-17 years old. It was Jake, Sawyer, Lena, and I. We stood in a house-" Sawyer cut them off climbing on a chair on the other side of the table.

"Daddy and uncle Dean's house when they were our age!" He said climbing onto the table and crawling over to sit next to Jake. Dean and Sam gulped the small number of memories from when they were there flooding back. 

"I saw us fighting some men. They had sliver blades like grampa Castiel does." Talia said making everyone look worriedly at each other.

"Then Alyssa and Niko came in and saved us! But then the setting changed." Sawyer said they all went teary-eyed again. 

"What happened Talia?" Stiles asked softly hoping she'd tell him the rest.

"I saw a bad man. He captured Jackie! But he's Jack's daddy too but he's a bad man and Jack knew it. He didn't want to be there. The bad man wanted to use us to kill grandpa Castiel's dad. But we didn't listen, we said no, and he-he killed the good man. Jack and us. We all got away but he didn't. He got caught and he killed the good man." Talia said they all had tears going down their faces. But it wasn't how any of them normally cried. They were never silent criers. "Chuck saved us. But not him. He said we had to grow up fast. He said we had to fight the battle our parents couldn't." Talia said wiping her tears. They all looked horrified at this dream? Vision? What do they call this?

"Who was the good man? Who's Jack? Who was the bad man?" Dean asked making Talia look at him with teary eyes. 

"Jackie is like us. But he's the bad man's son. He was Lucifers, son. And the good man. He said his name was Oliver."

A/N: You made it! You're at the end, my readers. Jeezers. Thanks for reading and voting and commenting. Maybe I'll make another book that's about this ^ maybe.

I'm gonna shout out two people who I think are really cool. boyxboy_ships_rules

Anyway thanks for reading my book dudes. Bye.

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