The Sheriff Knows

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Dean yawned opening his eyes in the morning. He sat up and looked around the room. He got up and showered then got dressed. He grabbed his jacket off the chair at the desk and stuffed his hands in the pockets. He frowned checking again. 

His keys were gone. He almost ripped his room apart looking for his keys. When he was finished searching the whole room he started to panic. Once he got out to the war room he noticed Sam and Cas sitting at the table. Once Dean had entered the room looking panicked Sam and Cas looked up.

"Are you okay Dean?" Sam asked as Dean went for the stairs but then stopped coming back and leaning on the table. 

"No. Nothing is okay!" Dean said anger clear in his voice as he yelled.

"I can't find my keys. Where's Stiles and Theo?" Dean asked standing straight up again. Cas disappeared and a few minutes later he was back this time by the stairs. 

"They aren't in their rooms but I found this in Stiles room," Cas said holding up a piece of paper. Dean ran over and grabbed the note as Sam stood up.

Be back in a few days with Theo. Don't kill me, dad, I took your car. 
- Stiles -

Dean read it out loud as Sam walked up. He grabbed the note as Dean took out his phone.

"Hello?" Dean heard Stiles day on the other side of the phone. 

"You son of a bitch get back here with my car! If there's even a-" Dean was cut off by laughter from both Theo and Stiles.

"I told you he'd be mad," Theo said to Stiles, they were in the hotel room getting ready to go to the police station nearby. 

"I'm actually your son, bitch. We'll be back in a few days." There was a paused and Dean was going to say something but Stiles said something first.

"Oh and Sam I have your computer," Stiles said making Sam grab the phone as it was on speaker. 

"What! You can't take our stuff, Stiles!" Sam said as they could hear Theo laughing in the background.

"Where did you go?" Cas asked taking the phone from Sam. 

"Nope! We're on a hunt. We'll see you when we get back. Bye!" Stiles said the hung up the phone.

"Damn it!"


"They aren't gonna believe that we're FBI agents you know," Theo said as him and Stiles walked up to the police station. 

"I bet they will," Stiles said as they walked up to the front desk where a man stood.

"We're looking for the sheriff. I'm agent Carter, this is my partner agent Williams." Stiles said pulling out his fake FBI badge as did Theo. The cop narrowed his eyes at the two boys. 

"You two look a bit young." The cop said Theo started to get nervous but Stiles just chuckled.

"That's awful kind of you. We just wanted to talk to the sheriff about the Johnston case." Stiles said and the cop nodded then lead them toward the sheriff's office. 

"I gotta admit that was smooth," Theo said giving a small smile to Stiles which he quickly returned.

"Uh, sheriff? There are two FBI men here to see you." The man said entering a room. 

The two boys entered after her. The sheriff looked hopeful but then when she sees the two boys her hopeful look drops and she turns to the cop that had brought them in. 

"Thank you. You can go now." The woman sat down at her desk motioning for the two boys to sit as well. She looked at the two boys suspiciously.

"Hello, sheriff... Mills," Theo read her name tag on her desk. 

"I'm agent Williams, this is my partner agent Carter. We wanted to talk to you about the Johnston case." Stiles was impressed with how fast Theo was catching onto this.

"Well, there isn't much you need to know. I was first on the scene, at Andy Johnston's house, he lay on the floor with a knife wound. His wife sat in the corner with the knife in handshaking asking what she had just done. She didn't remember any of it but she's the one who killed him." The sheriff said shifting in her seat a bit. The two boys looked at each other then back at the sheriff.

"Did you notice anything strange when you got there?" Theo asked making the sheriff raise an eyebrow. 

"Like black smoke, or did you smell sulfur," Stiles said making the sheriff chuckle then lean forward on her desk.

"You're hunters." The sheriff said making the two boys gulp and look away. 

"I don't know what you're talking about," Stiles said as Theo shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"I've met hunters, I knew who you two were as soon as you entered my office." She said making them look at each other then back at the sheriff.

"So, my names Jody Mills. What are your real names?"

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