Could've, Should've, But You Didn't.

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Castiel woke up with a gasped and everyone staring at him. He fell off his chair hitting the ground with a hard thump. He groaned and Dean went over helping him up.

"Are you alright Cas?" Stiles asked when Cas finally got to his feet. 

"Yeah, I'm fine," Castiel said rubbing his eyes and leaning on the table.

"No, Cas you're not. You're falling asleep at random times when angels aren't even supposed to sleep. You mumble things and ever since the first time this happened you've been avoiding me. Not talking to me and are always at least five steps away. Why?" Dean said making Cas shake his head. 

"The dream was about heaven," Cas said making them frown. "It was my heaven. And yours, and Sam's, and Stiles', and Gabriel's, and Theo's, and Derek's, and Scott's, your whole pack, and Alex's, and Claire's, and Layla, and Cameron, and Tristan!" Castiel's voice was at a yelling point by the time he finished. "It was so beautiful. We all lived in a huge white house in the middle of the forest. Layla, Cameron, and Tristan were playing outside Stiles stood with Derek on the porch looking at them fondly. You came home with Sam, Gabriel, and Stiles whole pack. I've never seen any of your eyes so bright with happiness in my life." Castiel said tears in his eyes as he spoke

"Cas... I- who's Layla, Cameron, and Tristan?" Dean asked making Castiel uncomfortable and he looked away wiping his face. 

"They're no one. I shouldn't have said anything." Cas said before disappearing only the sound of his wings left behind.


"Okay, guys. I've decided what I'm going to do." Theo said referring to whether he's going to stay or go. Stiles was okay with both, he wanted Theo to be happy despite what he's said in the past. 

"Whatever you choose is good with us Theo," Sam said as they all sat in the war room.

"Alright," Theo said taking a breath and scratching the back of his neck. "I want to go back... to Beacon Hills," Theo said no one said anything. What was there to say? Stiles felt happy for him and sad at the same time.

"I can be your eyes there. I can tell you what's going on, if we need help, if someone dies, if-" Theo was cut off by Stiles. 

"You don't have to explain your decision, Theo. But you do have some good points there." Stiles said smiling at the chimera. 

Theo felt a weight lifted off his shoulders. He was afraid Stiles wouldn't want him to go.

"When do you want to leave?" Dean asked Theo thought for a moment. 

"I was hoping tomorrow or the next day. If I can find a truck." Theo says sitting down next to Gabriel.

"Do you have a place there?" Sam asked, Stiles was interested as well since Theo didn't really have a place last time. 

"Uh... I... do yeah." Theo hesitated which made Stiles sigh looking straight at Theo.

"You're going to sleep in your car, aren't you?" Stiles asked making Theo look away. 

"It worked fine last time," Theo said making the two older hunters look at him eyebrows knit together.

"You lived in your car?" Sam said worried for the boy they all grew to like. 

"Truck actually." Theo corrected him with his eyebrows raised.

"No. Ask Scott if you can stay at his place," Stiles said putting his feet up on the table. 

"He would never let me," Theo said but Stiles shook his head.

"Yes, he would. He's taken another beta into his house before." Stiles said making Sam, Dean, and Gabriel look at him with surprise. 

"When did you get your memory back?" Gabriel asked Stiles just waved him off continuing to talk to Theo.

"His name was Isaac Lahey. He and Jackson are the only surviving betas of Derek. He went to Scott when Derek kicked him out and they.... got a bit too close after Allison's death. They'd both dated her and when she died they I guess got together. But then Isaac left for Paris and Scott got super sad." Stiles said making Theo nod while the hunters and archangel look at him funny. 

"Is everyone in your pack gay?" Dean finally said making Stiles glare at him.

"First of all Scott's bi not gay and I'm not gay," Stiles said Theo listened to his heartbeat and heard no lie. 

"Then What are you? Because you did say you loved that Derek guy." Gabriel said making Stiles nod.

"Yeah, I do love Derek. And I'm pan there's a difference." Stiles said crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair. 

"What's that?" Dean said making Stiles give him a look but then again Stiles wasn't surprised Dean didn't know what it was.

"It means he doesn't care about their gender or their sexuality, he loves the person for who they are," Sam said making them all look at him shocked. "What? I looked it up." Sam said making them a bit more confused.

"Why?" Gabriel asked with a smirk on his face. 

"Because I was... confused?" Sam said making Dean blink a few times.

"Does everyone in this bunker like guys but me?" Dean asked no one in particular but he heard a voice answer. 

"No, actually you do to Dean." They all turned to see Castiel standing behind them.

"I do not!" Dean aid but Castiel shook his head. 

"You do and Stiles was born because of it," Castiel said ripping it off like a bandaid.

"What?" Almost everyone said it surprised while Cas looked down. 

"Stiles is my kid too Dean," Cas said making Dean go wide-eyed and everyone else look at him.

"How come I don't remember us... together?" Dean said not sure what to define the relationship he didn't remember. 

"It was one time in a hotel room when Sam was out. I figured it out and left." Cas said making Dean and Sam realize.

"That time you left for nine months all those years ago," Sam said quietly while Dean just stayed silent. 

"Yes. I stayed away afraid of what you'd think. One day I felt something was wrong and stumbled upon a clinic. There was a man inside and he helped me. So, Stiles, you were born in Deaton's animal clinic." Castiel said making Stiles go wide-eyed.

"Why didn't you keep me?" Stiles said making Cas look away shamefully. 

"Nephilim aren't allowed. The angels would have killed you. Deaton said he could put a barrier against angels and demons around you. But..." Castiel trailed off scratching the back of his neck.

"That meant you couldn't see me," Stiles said sighing softly and making Castiel nod. 

"He said he could protect you. He gave you to a good family then I asked him to give me something to be able to forget you. So then if someone found out I had a child with a human they couldn't torture me to get information about you. I also asked him to give me something so Dean would forget about what happened between us." Castiel said making Dean's eyes widen.

"Why would you do that?" Dean asked standing up and taking a step toward Cas. 

"I-I thought-" Castiel stopped he really didn't know why he'd done that.

"Well, my feelings for you weren't erased Cas," Dean said making Castiel freeze while the others in the room just stayed silent. Dean walked forward as Cas continued I stare at the human. 

"I realize now that I could have kept Stiles, I could've not erased our memories, I could've... I-I should've..." Cas trailed off tears in his eyes as Dean stopped walking toward him when they were arm's length apart.

"Could've, should've, but you didn't, Cas. But it doesn't matter now. We're together. Stiles is here, Sam's here, Gabriel's here, even Theo part of Stiles old pack is here. It doesn't matter. Alright?" Dean said wiping the tear that had escaped Castiel's eye. 

"I'm very sorry Dean," Cas said but Dean only smiled and hugged the angel.

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