Happy Or Safe?

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"I'm not nervous," Stiles said but everyone knew it was a lie no matter if you had super hearing of not. "It's just... someone's told me a lot about you," Stiles said he wasn't lying Theo had told him a lot about Derek and the others.

"Who?" Derek asked standing up and stepping closer to Stiles. Then the boys sent his him and a tear ran down his face. He stepped back until he couldn't smell him anymore. "Why do you smell like Stiles?" Derek asked wiping the tear from his face. Stiles looked at the broken looking man. 

He didn't want him to be in pain like this. Yet he stayed silent not knowing which was better for Derek.

Being happy or safe?

"Why?!" He screamed at the Nephilim who had tears in his eyes. 

"I'm sorry," Stiles said not caring anymore.

He wanted to have Derek back just as much as Derek wanted him back. But before he could take the necklace off there was a smashing sound and five angels stood by the windows that were now smashed.

"Grab him!" One said pointing to Stiles who now has tears going down his face.

Theo got in front of him after whispering a prayer to Castiel to get Stiles out. Nobody had heard it because they were to busy looking at Derek and Stiles then at the angels.

Castiel heard it, yes but it was too late. The angels had gotten Castiel, Gabriel, Sam, and Dean as well. But Castiel did all he could he got free of the hold the other angel had on him. 

He disappeared reappearing in the loft he grabbed Stiles and Theo. The two boys appeared in the hotel room confused but Theo was thankful Stiles was okay.

"What?! No, they're going to die!" Stiles yelled tears spilling out of his eyes. Theo grabbed him and pulled Stiles into his arm for a hug.

"I'll be okay. They won't kill them. Not when they still need you." Theo said it wasn't the most comforting thing in the world to say but it was good enough for now.


The pack was tied up against the wall of an abandoned warehouse just outside Beacon Hills. Then they heard yelling from the other side of the warehouse.

"You son of a bitch! I'll kill you assholes!" 

Four men came into view a very tall one will long hair, a shorter one with short brown hair and green eyes. Then they saw the last two were Castiel and Gabriel. The angels tied them to the wall to the right of the pack and walked over to the other angels on the other side of the warehouse. 

"Gabriel, Castiel get us out of here," Liam said making Sam and Dean look at the angels confused.

"Sam, Dean this is the McCall pack," Castiel said making the pack look at the two hunters and angels surprised. 

"You're the best hunters out there and you got caught by angels?" Scott said making Dean and Sam a bit pissed.

"You're an alpha and you couldn't protect your pack from getting kidnaped?" Dean said making the pack growl at them while Gabriel snickered. 

"Let's not fight. We have to find a way to get out of here." Castiel said looking around the room.

"You two are angels can't you just get out of the chains?" Isaac said motioning to the chains they were in which were connected to the wall.

"These are angel proofed idiot," Gabriel said shaking the chains which made Sam kick him.

"Be nice," Sam said and Gabriel gave him an unamused look. 

"Where's Theo and Dylan?" Dean asked looking around concerned for his son and the chimera he learned to care for like a son.

"I brought them to the hotel at the last minute. They didn't get caught." Castiel said making Dean give him a smile. 

"You know they're going to come to try and save us anyways right?" Sam said making Gabriel scoff.

"Try?" Gabriel said looking over at Sam who looked worried. 

"I hope they don't. Then they'll be safe." Castiel said giving Dean a small smile.


Theo and Stiles walked into the animal clinic ignoring the closed sign on the door. Once they did they heard a voice say "we're closed" but it stopped. Deaton stepped out from the back and looked at the two boys who clearly looked to be in distress.

"Oh uh, Theo who is this?" Deaton asked looking Stiles up and down who silenced Theo before he could talk. Theo looked at Stiles confused but then Stiles took off the dog tag and the form of Dylan turned back into his original Stiles form. "S-Stiles. Uh... come back here." Deaton said going into the back room Theo and Stiles followed him. "How-? Castiel?" Deaton said Stiles nodded smiling at the man. 

"Yes, and he remembers you helping him," Stiles said making Deaton smile slightly.

"He told you he's your..." Deaton trailed off not wanting to tell the boy if Castiel hadn't yet. 

"He's my father, yeah. Him and Dean Winchester." Stiles said making Deaton's eyes widen.

"Wow. Alright. What do you need?" Deaton asked as Stiles leaned on the table. 

"An angel blade and we need to know where the pack and my family is," Stiles said making Deaton nod leaving the room for a moment. When he came back he had an angel blade and a piece of paper in his hand.

"This is where they are," Deaton said pointing to the red dot on the map then handing it to Stiles. "Bring this back," Deaton said handing the blade to Theo.

"Good luck. You'll need it."

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