Fighting An Archangel

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A/N: holy crap dudes I love this video so flippin' much it hurts me. You better watch it. 

"Okay put this on and you'll look different. So then no one will recognize you until you take it off." Gabriel said to Stiles as the Winchester's and angels stood in the hotel room. 

Gabriel held a dog tag necklace out for Stiles. Stiles nodded taking the dog tag and looking at it. 

"Dylan Winchester? What is this weird looking language?" Stiles said making Gabriel chuckled.

"It's Enochian kid. The language of angels. It says 'Those with the same face have the same fate. Those with a different face change fate.'" Gabriel said with a smile as Stiles put it on. Once it rested on his chest over his shirt everything started to change.

"Woah this feels weird," Stiles said looking at his arms. Stiles started to change. 

His face molded into a different shape, his hair color changed to a dirty blonde, his eyes went from whiskey to grey, his pale mole covered skin changed to tan skin with no blemishes what so ever.

Stiles looked up at the group who stared at him with wide eyes

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Stiles looked up at the group who stared at him with wide eyes. He looked at his hands and smiled.

"Wow," Stiles said Gabriel snapped his fingers and a mirror was in his hand. He gave it to Stiles who's mouth dropped open when he saw his face. "Awesome," Stiles said putting his hands all over his face.

"Wow, you look..." Dean trailed off as Stiles turned to look at them. 

"Hot right?" Stiles said smiling like an idiot.

"Don't be so self-centered," Gabriel said with a smirk making Stiles look at him eyebrows raised. 

"You shouldn't talk," Stiles said making Gabriel put his hand over his heart.

"You wanna start a fighting kid?" Gabriel said making Stiles smile cockily and turn toward Gabriel. 

"You wouldn't get one hit in," Stiles said making Gabriel shift on his feet and cross his arms.

"Oh yeah? You wanna go up against an archangel?" Gabriel asked Stiles opened his mouth a few times before finally speaking. 

"Sure. I've been practicing." Stiles said making Gabriel smirk.


"Alright, kid come at me," Gabriel said they were in the preserve and it was just starting to get dark. Sam, Dean, and Castiel stood off to the side while Gabriel and Stiles circled each other. 

"Nah you go first," Stiles said with a smile. 

Gabriel flicked his hand and Stiles went flying into a tree. Dean pulled Cas to the side before he could be knocked down too.

"Gabriel!" Sam and Dean yelled at the archangel who put his hands up in surrender. 

"He said he wanted it. He's not much though." Gabriel grabbed his neck struggling to breathe then he flew back into a tree. They all heard multiple cracks causing the three on the sidelines to cringe.

"Not much my feathery ass," Stiles said standing from the tree he had been laying at. 

He walked over to Gabriel who was now sitting on the forest floor broke arm, legs, he had blood coming out of his mouth and running down his chin. 

"Sorry uncle Gabe," Stiles said Gabriel just smiled eyes half opened. 

Stiles reached out and pressed two fingers to Gabriel's forehead and all his wounds were healed. Gabriel touched his face and looked up at Stiles with surprise.

"You have been practicing. I'm impressed." Gabriel said then Stiles was tackled by a growling person. 

The hunters pulled out their guns pointing them at the growling boy, the angels pulled out their blades out and Gabriel stood up. 

"Get off him!" Cas yelled but Stiles' eyes widened and he smiled.

"No, no it's okay it's Theo," Stiles said bringing the boy down into a hug which he returned. 

"Okay get up you two," Dean said as they all put their weapons away. Theo stood up helping Stiles in the process.

"Good to see you, Theo," Castiel said smiling at the chimera who smiled at them all gratefully. 

"Good to be seen. And I'm so glad you're here." Theo said then looked at Stiles with a raised eyebrow.

"What's with the plastic surgery Stiles?" Theo asked looking Stiles up and down who smiled. "I know I look so hot," Stiles said making Theo chuckle.

"Wait how did you know it was Stiles?" Dean asked making Theo look at him. 

"Stiles sent is the same as it was he just looks different. I knew it was him from a mile away." Theo said making them look over at Gabriel who sighed.

"Damn. I can't fix that. Just pretend you don't know what they talk about when they say you smell like someone they used to know." Gabriel said making Stiles nod.


"School time kid!" Dean yelled pulling the covers off of Stiles the next morning. Stiles groaned rolling over into his stomach. He snapped his fingers and the blankets were back on top of him. "Cas!" Dean's voice echoed throughout the hotel room, then Castiel appeared.

"Get up Stiles. You have school." Cas said the covers flew off of him and he groaned loudly before getting up.

Stiles didn't want to go to school. He didn't want to see the pack. They'll just hate him. Right?

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