The Memory Of You

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"I remember you," Stiles said and Theo backed up looking away. He waited for Stiles to yell at him and kick him out, but it never came. "I'm sorry," Stiles said making Theo look up at him with confusion.

"I see why I didn't like you in the past but... you've changed," Stiles said making Theo shake his head. 

"No. No, you're not supposed to do that." Theo said they all looked at him confused.

"Do what?" Sam asked as Theo backed up from them. 

"You always hated me. You were the one who was smart enough to never trusted me. You can't like me." Theo said looking at Stiles stunned.

"You know what the first memory I had of you was?" Stiles asked standing up with Dean's help. "You and I were sitting in my Jeep in front of an animal clinic. You told me how your sister died. Sure you left out the part where you watched her freeze to death but I realized that you were just a kid. Sometimes things happen when we're kids that change us. I mean look at these two." Stiles said pointing to Sam and Dean who glared. Dean smacked the back of his head. 

"He is not wrong Dean," Cas said making Stiles chuckle.

"But when you came back from hell you changed. You helped us and saved us. Something down there changed you." Stiles said Theo nodded looking away. 

"When I got down there I woke up in a dark metal container. I pushed the door open to see I was in the morgue at the hospital. I ran out asking if anyone was there but there was no one. But then I heard a voice calling my name. It echoed throughout the hallway. Then I saw my sister crawling along the floor. She had a hole in her chest. I could see her ribs and her insides. She called my name as I ran. But she caught up to me pinning me to the floor and she looked down at me as she ripping her heart out of my chest. I can't remember how many times it happened before Liam got me out." Theo said tears threatening to fall. "I'm sorry for all the things I did to you and your pack," Theo said he looked so broken and Stiles felt guilty for how he treated Theo in the past.

"I'm sorry for how I treated you in the past. I should've thought about what you went through as a kid. If I did I would've understood that it probably changed you." Stiles said Theo shook his head. 

"It's still no excuse I should've-" Theo was cut off when Stiles brought him into a hug. Theo hugged him back and sobbed into his shoulder.

"It's alright. I forgive you." Stiles said patting Theo's back. They eventually pulled apart and Theo wiped his tears. 

"Sorry," Theo said Stiles smiled shaking his head.

"Stop saying you're sorry. It's fine." Stiles said making Theo smile briefly. 

"Don't tell anyone I just cried like a fucking baby," Theo said making Stiles chuckle and nod.


Theo and Stiles were in the kitchen. Neither could sleep due to the nightmares they both had. Theo was making a sandwich while Stiles was on his computer trying to find a case for them.

"I found one," Stiles said and turned the computer toward Theo as he sat down. "In Sioux Falls. There have been all the signs of a demon so..." Stiles said as Theo looked at the news clip.

"I'm going," Stiles said standing up and grabbing his bag. 

"Wait what?! No!" Theo said closing the laptop and standing up. Stiles grabbed the laptop and shoved it in the bag.

"Yes, Theo. People are dying and they need help. Are you coming or staying?" Stiles asked Theo was torn but he made his decision soon after. 

"I'm coming but only because you need someone to look after you," Theo said as they walked down the hallway. Stiles just rolled his eyes.

"Just meet me outside by my dad's car."


It didn't take very long for Stiles to get outside. He was carrying a duffle bag and had a small smile on his face. Theo's eyes widened as Stiles held up the keys to the Impala.

"Oh my god, your dad is going to kill us," Theo said as he got into the passenger side and Stiles got into the driver's side. "How did you even get the keys doesn't Dean have them in his room?" Theo asked Stiles smiled nodding.

"I went into his room and took them out of his jacket pocket," Stiles said as he started the car and drove off. "Don't worry I left them a note in my room," Stiles said making Theo chuckle.

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