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After school, Theo and Scott guided Stiles to Coach's office. Once they got there Coach looked at each of them.

"What do you three want?" He asked annoyed that Scott was here and not getting ready for practice. 

"Coach this is Dylan. He wants to try out for the team." Scott said Coach looked at Stiles who smiled.

"Are you good?" Coach asked and Stiles nodded making Theo chuckle which earned him an elbow in the gut. "Okay I'll get you some gear and you get changed." Coach said none of them moved for a moment but that was long enough for Coach. "Get moving!" He yelled then went into his office. 

Theo said he'd watch with the rest of the pack on the bleachers. Scott and Stiles went into the change room. Scott went to his locker while Stiles from memory went to his own. 

"Can I use this one?" But then he realized that made Scott freeze up and just stare.

"Did I do that think again where I accidentally mention your friend that is no longer with us?" Stiles asked knowing very well he did but Scott didn't know that. 

"Y-yeah. Just use the on to the right of that one. Please." Scott said turning around and changing his shirt.

"Yeah, no problem."


"Alright! We have someone trying out today!" Coach yelled once he had called everyone over. "This is Dylan Winchester." Coach said motioning to Stiles who waved. "Ten laps let's go!" Coach yelled and everyone wanted to groan but Stiles was excited that he could play lacrosse again. 

Once they were finished laps everyone but Scott, Liam, Jackson, and Isaac weren't tired and Stiles was also not very tired. He had tapped into his grace a bit so he wasn't.

"Alright, let's do some shooting! Dunbar in goal!" Coach yelled Dylan leaned over to Isaac.

"Does he always yell?" Stiles asked and Isaac chuckled nodding. 

"Yeah, I don't think it's possible for him to stop," Isaac said both of them laughing a bit as they walked over to the line. 

Once Stiles was at the front of the line he took a deep breath. He saw Gabriel and Castiel on the stands Gabriel was still in the teenage girl vessel he had earlier. He wanted to impress, so his eyes may have been glowing gold as the ball left his lacrosse stick and went right pasted Liam's head.

"Good job Winchester!" Coach yelled Stiles smiled spinning his stick in hand as he turned to face his pop and uncle. 

Gabriel gave a thumbs up while Cas smiled proudly. They shot a few more and Stiles ball never got caught once. Now they were doing a small game. Stiles and Isaac were on one team while Scott, Liam, and Jackson were on the other. 

"You're going down McCall," Stiles said jokingly making Scott smile flashing his red eyes and Stiles flashed his golden ones.

Coach blew the whistle and the game started. Scott got the ball but Stiles was faster than him. He collided with Scott causing him to drop the ball. 

Stiles grabbed it tossing it to Isaac who ran with it. The two and their team ran toward the goal. Isaac was about to get tackled by Jackson so he tossed the ball to Stiles before he could get tackled. 

Stiles caught it and ran for the goal but Liam and Scott got in the way. Stiles smiled as all three of their eyes glowed. Right as Stiles got to them he threw the ball into the air and jumped over them doing a flip in the process. 

He caught the ball on the other side of them and threw it into the net. His team got that point.

"Winchester you're on the team!" Coach yelled as Stiles took his helmet off. Isaac ran over and tackled Stiles in a hug. 

"That was awesome dude!" Isaac said standing up and helping Stiles who looked over toward where his pop and uncle were standing. They both looked impressed.


"I'm going out with Theo!" Stiles' voice echoed through the hotel room. 

"Good job today," Gabriel said Stiles smiled thanking him then left with Theo.

"Where are we going?" Stiles asked as Theo drove his truck. Stiles recognized this route. He knew where Theo was going and he didn't like it. 

"To a pack meeting," Theo said Stiles' heart stopped with those words.

"What? Why?" Stiles said panicked and shifting nervously in the passenger seat of the truck. 

"Because I want you to see Derek," Theo said stiles stayed silent not wanting to say he didn't want to because he did but he was too stubborn to say he did want to see Derek.

"He was a mess when you died. He almost died. He wouldn't eat, wouldn't sleep, wouldn't leave his room." Theo said remembering all the talks him and Liam had about how Derek was broken. "He's so mad now. He never smiles, barely talks almost never leaves his loft unless necessary." Theo said it made Stiles' heart hurt.

"Okay, I'll go."


"Welcome to Derek's loft," Theo said as he and Stiles walked inside. The pack almost immediately perked up and looked at them. 

"Who's this?" Peter asked making Stiles look up at them with his ice blue eyes. He looked immediately at Derek who looked confused and sad.

"This is Dylan Winchester," Theo said making Derek and Peter growl at the teenager. "He's good. I'd be dead if they weren't." Theo said then guided Stiles over to the couches. "Dylan this is Derek Hale and his uncle Peter," Theo said Stiles didn't stop staring at Derek. And everyone noticed it. 

"Hi," Stiles said with a small smile. Derek could see it in this kid was nervous around him.

"Why are you so nervous?"

Maybe because I'm standing right in front of you, the person I love with all my heart. But I can't touch you because you think I'm dead.

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