Lost Dreams

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"Hey, Samantha." Sam turned in his desk chair to see Gabriel standing in his doorway. Great. He thought as he watched the archangel sit on his bed. 

"What do you want Gabriel?" Sam asked turning back to his computer.

"I wanted to come and see my favorite Winchester," Gabriel said making Sam turn and look at him with confusion written all over his face. "It's not you. I was going to come to see Stiles but he wasn't in his room. I looked around the bunker and then I saw a strange sight." Gabriel said looking at the door with a frown on his face.

"What?" Sam said wanting to know what strange thing the angel had seen in his home. 

"I saw Cassie..." Gabriel said still looking at the door. Sam was going to say something but the archangel spoke first. "Sleeping." Gabriel finished looking up at Sam making him frown in confusion as well. 

"What? Angels don't sleep, Gabriel. You should know that." Sam said but didn't see any sign of joking on Gabriel's face. The hunter closed his laptop and stood up. "Where is he?" Sam asked Gabriel got up and walked out of the room Sam following close behind. 

Once they got to the war room Sam saw it too. Dean was standing there frowning at the sleeping angel. 

"Aren't angels not suppose to sleep?" Dean said crossing his arms and they all stared at Castiel.

"No, they are not," Gabriel said he looked at his little brother who was sitting in one of the chairs with his head on the table using his arms as a pillow.

Castiel found himself in a parking lot in the middle of the night. He was confused as to why he was no longer in the bunker. Then someone went by him walking toward a clinic of some sorts. He frowned seeing himself open the door and go inside. 

He was curious so he ran up and slipped into the building behind himself. Once he was inside he noticed that this... dream self had a large bump for a stomach. He stared at it but before he could stare anymore another man entered. He had dark skin, a white coat, and a worried look when he looked at dream Castiel.

"I need help. Please. I'm an angel I could sense you were a Druid." Dream Castiel said the man nodded then opened the gate for the angel. Both Castiel's stepped through and the man walked to the surgery room in the back. 

"What's your name, sir?" The man asked dream Castiel as he leaned on the metal table.

"My name is Castiel." His dream self said as Castiel watched what happened in confusion. Why was he here? What was this place? Why was he watching himself? 

"What seems to be the problem Castiel?" The man asked motioning for his dream self to lay on the table which he does.

"I-I have a child inside me and- and somethings wrong." Dream Castiel said grunting in pain. Castiel's eyes widened and he walked over to the other side of the table than the man. The man nodded going over to the counter and grabbing a stethoscope. 

"How long have you been pregnant for?" The man asked dream Castiel grunted as the man lifted his shirt.

"Almost 9 m-months." Dream Castiel said making the man's eyes go wide. 

He put his stethoscope to dream Castiel's stomach. He listened for a few seconds before going back over to the counter. 

"You're in labor." The man said making both dream and non-dream Castiel to go wide-eyed.

"Don't worry I'm going to help you Castiel. My name is Allen Deaton." The man said then wheeled a tray on a table with wheels over to the table dream Castiel lay on. "Just relax alright Castiel?" Deaton said as he hooked an IV up to Castiel. He then hooked him up to a heart monitor. "Alright, I'm going to do a c-section. It's going to leave a scar. Doesn't matter if you're an angel." The man said making both Castiel's look at him in confusion. 

But before the dream, Castiel could say anything Deaton cut into the angel's stomach with the scalpel. It looked like it hurt a lot as the angel was screaming.

A few minutes later dream Castiel was holding a baby boy who had these familiar whiskey-colored eyes while Deaton sewed him up. Castiel looked over his shoulder to take a look at the boy. He knew exactly who it was at that point. But he didn't want to believe it.

"It's going to leave a scar but you'll heal. Just don't run any marathons." Deaton said when he finished the bandaging. 

"Thank you very much, Allen." Dream Castiel said looking up from the baby who was wrapped in a light blue towel.

"If you don't mind me asking, who's is he?" Deaton asked as dream Castiel moved to sit on the edge of the table. 

"Uh... I don't really want to say. And I don't really know what to do either. I had him with a human. Nephilim are illegal." Dream Castiel said looking down at the smiling baby who was trying to grab at him.

"I can put a barrier around him," Deaton said making dream Castiel look up with hopeful eyes. 

"You could?" He said hoping, praying, to his father that this man could.

"Yes, So no demons or angels could come near him no matter what. But there's one thing." Deaton said dream Castiel sighed looking down at the baby as it playing with his hand. 

"I can never see him again, can I?" Dream Castiel said a sad look on his face as the baby fell asleep in his arms.

"Unfortunately, no angels can get to him. I will never let him out of my sight. I can give him to two people who can take care of him. As I will always watch over him." Deaton said dream Castiel thought for a moment as he looked at his son. 

"Alright. But you have to do something else too." The angel said looking up at the veterinarian who nodded.

"Erase my memories of him ever being in my life. And give me something to erase his other father's memory. Please. Then if the angels find out I won't be able to tell them where he is." Dream Castiel said Deaton nodded going over to the counter and grabbing a needle. 

"Your wounds will be healed by the time you wake up and I will take you to a hotel for when you wake up," Deaton said but stopped before he could give it to Castiel. "Would you like to name him?" Deaton asked and Castiel nodded looking down at the baby.

"Mieczyslaw. Miecz meaning sword and slaw meaning glory. But call him Stiles." Castiel said looking at the baby fondly yet there was this sad look behind it. "I love you little angel never stop fighting." Dream Castiel said then he felt a pinch in his arm and everything went black.

Castiel screamed jumping up from the chair he was sitting in at the table in the war room. He looked around to see he was in the bunker again with Sam, Dean, and... Gabriel? Watching him. 

Castiel remembered all of it. He remembered being with Dean for a night in a hotel on a hunt while Sam was out. He remembered running away from them for nine months. He remembered the pain in his stomach when Deaton cut it open. His eyes widened and he pulled his shirt up checking for the c-section scar. It was there.

"Cas are you okay?" Dean asked reaching for Castiel's should but the angel stepped back. 

"I-I just need to- I need to be alone," Castiel said then he disappeared to his room in the bunker locking it so no one could get in.

Castiel sat on the floor back against the door as he cried silently.

Stiles was a Nephilim.

Stiles was Castiel's son too.

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