I'm Scared

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"Why do I have to go to school?" Stiles asked as he sat in the passenger seat of the Impala. 

"You'll be fine," Dean said from the driver's seat as they parked in the school parking lot. 

They both got out of the car it was late in the morning. Lunch time for the students so they were all over the place.

"Don't worry we'll get you out as soon as possible Sti- Dylan," Dean said realizing that the pack could have heard him. Stiles was no longer Stiles either, he now looked like Dylan. 

"Yeah, I hope that's soon. I'm scared dad." Stiles said as they walked through the doors to the school.

"I know," Dean said as they walked into the main office. 

Stiles stood off to the sidelines watching the kids walk by as Dean talked to the receptionist. Soon enough Stiles felt a hand on his shoulder. They went out into the hallway and stood in front of each other. 

"Remember Theo is going to be here. You'll be fine. Call if you need anything." Dean said putting a hand on Stiles shoulder that didn't have his backpack on. Stiles nodded and watched his father walk out of the school doors.

Stiles took a deep breath and turned around. As he walked down the hall he could see all the people staring at him. Even more so when he walked into the cafeteria. 

But then he saw Theo walking towards him and he smiled. The chimera brought him into a hug which the Nephilim returned.

"God it's good to see you," Theo said pulling away from the hug. 

"Don't say my grandfather's name in vein Theo," Stiles said making them both chuckle. Then Theo leads him over to the table the pack sat at. Stiles' hands started to shake as they got closer.

"You're fine," Theo whispered to him as they got closer. Stiles looked at all the pack members like he was memorizing their faces. 

"Who's this Theo?" Scott asked with a small smile.

"This is Dylan. Castiel's kid." Theo said and Stiles went wide-eyed turning to him. 

"You told them?" Stiles said making Theo laugh nervously.

"We needed help and at the moment I prayed to Gabriel and Castiel. They came and we talked to them after the angels that we were fighting were dead. Anyways, guys, this is Dylan." Theo said patting Stiles on the shoulder. 

They both sat down Stiles was between Theo and Scott. Then he heard Scott sniff him and then tense. Stiles looked over to see Scott was shocked and saddened. Stiles just pretended to give him a confused look.

"I sense sadness and confusion." He said snapping Scott out of his shocked state. 

"Oh um just... you smell familiar," Scott said Stiles smelled himself then looked up at the alpha.

"Oh, you mean my sent..." Stiles looked the alpha in the eyes his shined gold kinda like a beta, but only for a moment. He sensed the boy was thinking of him. 

"I'm sorry about... um, Stiles was his name, correct?" Stiles said making Scott and the others feel sad as well.

"I am sorry I didn't mean to make you all sad. W-what do I do?" Stiles asked Theo making him want to smile at how good of an actor he is. It's almost like this was a tv show or something and he was the main character. 

"They don't like to talk about it. He's a friend they lost." Theo said making Stiles nod and look back at Scott. But before he could speak Scott had something to say.

"He wasn't just a friend! He was the only thing that held this pack together! We barely get by without him." Scott said making both Theo and Stiles stare in shock.

Stiles wanted to cry. He wanted to take off the damn necklace and show Scott he was alive. That he was okay but he couldn't. He wishes he could.

"Text me later," Stiles said to Theo then got up and left the cafeteria. He went outside shifting his bag on his shoulder as he walked. 

He went around a corner and saw no one was around so he disappeared. He reappeared in the middle of the preserve. No one was around so he leaned back on a tree sliding down and hugging his knees once his butt hit the ground. He put his head on his knees and cried.

He couldn't do this. It was too much. He was scared. He wanted to reveal himself to them but he knew that would put them in so much danger.

"Gabriel? Gabriel, I need to talk to someone right now. Can you please come, I'm in the preserve." Stiles said putting his head back against the tree when he heard wings. Gabriel stood in front of him a sad look on his face. "I can't do this. I can't go to school and see them everyday sad about me dying when I'm right in front of them. Scott could smell my sent. He got so sad and I couldn't sit there listening to him say how I was the only thing that kept their pack together." Stiles said tears rolling down his face as he spoke. Gabriel walked over and sat beside Stiles.

"You're a great kid Stiles. You always want to do what's right, and you care so much about your family and friends. If you really want to tell them you're alive then go ahead. I defend you if your dads get mad." Gabriel said looking out at the forest. 

"You see that log over there?" Stiles said pointing to the skinny jagged log that lay on the ground above a hill.

"Yeah what about it?" Gabriel asked as Stiles put his arm down and smiled. 

"This is where Scott got bit. This is where it all started." Stiles said making Gabriel look over at Stiles who had tear stains on his face but was still smiling.

"You and Uncle Sam. Are you together or is it just sex in the bedroom next to mine?" Stiles said looking over at Gabriel who laughed looking away trying to hide his blush. 

"Whatever he wants. If all he wants is sex then I'm fine with that. If he wants a relationship.... then I'm the happiest archangel in the universe." Gabriel said making Stiles smile at the thought of his two main uncles happy.

"Good. Cause you two are cute together." Stiles said making Gabriel chuckle. "You know the angels are going to kill me right?" Stiles said making Gabriel's smile fade and he turned to face Stiles.

"Look at me, Stiles," Gabriel said and Stiles turned his head a sad look on his face. "You're not going to die. I won't let you." Gabriel said putting his hands on either side of Stiles' face.

"Thank you, Uncle Gabe." Stiles smiled at his uncle grateful that he cared so much.

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