Past Life

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"Thank you guys for letting me stay here," Theo said the next morning when he got to the main room in the bunker. Dean, Sam, and Stiles were sitting at the table. 

"It's no problem you knew Stiles," Sam said they were all still a bit skeptical of this boy.

"How'd you know him? Were you friends?" A voice was heard from behind Theo and he growled gold eyes glowing as he turned to see two men. One with blue eyes and a trench coat while the other had golden hair with a lollipop in his mouth. "Well, you gonna answer?" The golden-haired man said smirking. 

Theo growled his claws replacing fingernails and his canines grew and started poking his lip. But he was snapped out of it by Stiles grabbed his shoulder and stood between him and the two angels.

"There friends, Theo," Stiles said when Theo looked down at him he looked human again. His fingernails were normal, his canines were gone, and his grey eyes reflected Stiles worried look. 

"How did you get there? What are you?" Theo said looking over Stiles' shoulder to the two men. Stiles went back to his seat at the table beside Dean.

"We are angels of the lord. My name is Castiel." The blue-eyed man with the trench coat said. 

"And I'm Gabriel." The golden-haired man said then put the lollipop back in his mouth.

"The archangel Gabriel?" Theo asked Gabriel rolled his eyes then nodded. 

"So were you and Stiles friends or...?" Gabriel asked as him and Castiel sat down with the hunters. Gabriel next to Sam while Castiel sat next to Dean then Theo went over and sat next to Stiles. But he shifted a bit so he was a safe distance away from him.

"I want to tell you the truth but I feel like you'll kill me," Theo said making them frown and Dean look at him with a bit more anger than his usual look. "But I'm going to trust you," Theo said looking over at Stiles and swallowing hard.


After Theo was done telling them what had happened when he knew Stiles he shifted nervously under everyone's stares. He looked down at his hands chewing his lip in the process. 

"It sounds like you changed," Stiles said making Theo look up at him with wide eyes.

"That's not what you thought. You wanted to put me back in hell." Theo said making Stiles think for a moment. 

"I sure do," Dean said making Theo gulp and stand up as did Dean.

"Listen if you don't want me here I can leave. I can go back to-" Theo said but was cut off when Dean pushed him up against the wall knife to his throat. 

"Dean Stop!" Sam said they were trying to get him to stop but he had rage in his eyes. But then Stiles finally got him to stop with one word.

"Dad!" He yelled Dean let the boy go and turned to Stiles his eyebrows knit together. 


"Called you dad? Yeah, I know. Because you are my dad aren't you?" Stiles asked Dean hesitated but nodded. "Then stop. Don't hurt my friends. He's changed and he could help me get my memory back. So please stop. Please, dad." Stiles said and Dean blinked but then nodded. He turns back to Theo anger in his eyes again.

"If you ever hurt my son I will shoot a silver bullet so far up your-"

"Alright, Dean I think he gets it," Sam said putting his hand on Dean's shoulder. 

"Wait... son?" Theo said to Dean motioning to Stiles who nodded.

"Yes, he's my son," Dean said and Theo looked down putting his head in his hands. 

"Alright... okay... not the weirdest thing I've heard. But still hard to believe." Theo said shaking his head in disbelief that Stiles was the son of this famous hunter who killed on site.

"Back in the vampire's nest what did you say to Stiles?" Castiel asked curiously to the chimera who looked up at him. 

"I said that everyone was heartbroken when you died. I had to comfort Liam for weeks and sit through endless cry sessions with the pack. I saw your dead body laying in Derek's arms when I got to the loft. I've never seen Derek cry. You dying broke them, Stiles." Theo said looking at Stiles who looked like he was trying to remember. Then he grunted holding his head and leaning on the table.


His name was called yet he couldn't hear it. Like he was under water. Then darkness consumed him and he collapsed to the floor.

When he opened his eyes he saw a Jeep beside him as he now stood outside an animal clinic. He looked into the side of the Jeep. He saw himself and... Theo.

"Wonder why I haven't said anything to Scott?" Theo said it so clearly it was like Stiles was in there with Theo and himself. 

"Maybe." Stiles in the Jeep said as other Stiles walked closer to the Jeep.

"You think I've got some kind of ulterior motive."

"More than likely." Stiles watched in confusion. 

"Would you believe me if I said all I want... all I've ever wanted was for you guys to trust me?" Theo said looking over at Stiles who was in the driver's seat.

"Nope," Stiles said plain and simple making Stiles, who now stood in the front of the Jeep, frown. 

"So you're here because you're never going to trust me?" Theo asked as Stiles kept looking forward.

"Yep," Stiles said finally looking over at Theo who now looked away in the opposite direction. 

"You know who you remind me of?" Theo asked and Stiles looked over at him shaking his head.

"Theo I don't care," Stiles said making Stiles outside of the car frown at his past actions.

'Why was he being like this? Yes, Theo did bad things but he was good now.'

"My sister," Theo said making Stiles in the car go wide-eyed and look forward as Theo looked at him. "She was smarter than everyone too. And a pain in the ass like you." Theo paused looking down at his hands. "She always looked out for me." Theo paused again taking in a deep breath as he looked back at Stiles. "The same way you look out for Scott," Theo said Stiles took a glance at Theo before turning back to the windshield thinking it looked more interesting. "You know I was the one who found her body." Theo paused and looked out the windshield as well as he continued. "She'd fallen into a creek broken her leg," Theo said as Stiles shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "They told us she would have been okay if it wasn't one of the coldest nights of the year... I-if it wasn't for the hypothermia." Theo stuttered as his watery eyes shifted across the ground where Stiles stood outside of the Jeep. "When I found her all I could think was that I should've known." He said looking over at Stiles with tears in his eyes. "That I should've been looking out for her," Theo said looking back at the windshield. 

"Why are you telling me this?" Stiles asked as he taped on the steering wheel ever so quietly.

"I'm telling you because even if you don't trust me, and even if you don't like me, I'm still gonna be looking out for you."

Stiles gasped as he came to still on the floor of the bunker where he passed out. He was sat up by Dean and Cas. He looked at them with tears in his eyes then he looked at Theo.

"I remember you."

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