Two Fathers, Two Uncles, & A Brother

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"So you're also my father?" Stiles said looking at Castiel who swallowed and sat down in the war room next to Dean. "Yes, I am," Castiel said looking at Stiles who frowned looking down at the table.

"Is there something wrong? You don't-" but Cas was cut off by Stiles who looked up at him. "No, no, no, no, Cas. I was just thinking. Now I have to find a name for you." Stiles said looking back down at the table while Cas frowned in confusion.

"But I have a name." He said making Stiles look back up at him with a small smile. "Usually people have a name for their father Cas. Like dad, or papa, or... I can't think of any more." Dean said snapping his fingers like he wanted more people to chime in.

"Pops, dada, pa, old man, pop," Gabriel suggested as he leaned back in his chair and stared at Sam fondly. Not that anyone noticed this though. "I'll find something," Stiles said looking over at Cas and smiled.


"You better call and text and-" Stiles was silence when Theo abruptly turned to face him a small smile on his face. 

"Of course I will Stiles," Theo said then turned and adjusted the strap of his duffel bag on his shoulder as they walked to the truck. It was Castiel's old truck he no longer used. Gabriel, Castiel, Dean, and Sam stood waiting.

"Thank you guys so much. I would've died without you. If there's anything I can do to repay you?" Theo said biting his lip softly. 

"No kid you're okay. All you have to do is call us when something gets really bad in Beacon Hills. Alright?" Dean said making Theo smile and nod. Dean gave him a hug before the boy moved on to goodbyes from the others.

"Good luck with Liam," Gabriel said winking making Theo blush slightly and smile at the archangel who gave him a soft pat on the shoulder. 

Sam gave him a hug that Theo returned just like he did with Dean. 

"Don't die. And call us if it gets bad." He said when they pulled away and Theo nodded then turned to Castiel who put a hand on his shoulder.

"If you ever need my assistance pray. I'll be right at your side." Castiel said no emotion on his face Theo nodded then took a breath and moved to Stiles who immediately hugged him. 

"Don't get yourself killed and... you better ask Liam out or you know the deal," Stiles said making them both chuckle. 

Theo nodded giving Stiles one last hug before going around to the driver's side and getting in. The passenger side window was down so Stiles leaned in.

"Goodbye, brother," Stiles said then leaned back as Theo gave him a smile. 

He never thought Stiles would ever call him a friend, let alone brother. Theo started the truck and drove off. Dean put his arm around Stiles' shoulder for comfort and Stiles smiled as they watched the truck drive away.


Dean sat in the kitchen alone a beer in his hand. Sam was in his room with Gabriel, Stiles was in his room, and Castiel was who knows where. Dean drank his beer and sat there. Thinking about Castiel.

Of course, he was when wasn't he?

He felt so strongly for the angel that raised him from hell. He hadn't remembered them together. He kinda wished he did.

Dean lay his head down on the table and let out a small groan. Then he heard wings and he knew who it was before he even looked up.

"Hello, Dean," Cas said and Dean leaned back in his chair. 

"What are you doing here Cas?" Dean asked getting up to get another beer from the fridge.

"I came to talk about what happened earlier." He said as Dean opened his beer. 

"What about earlier." Deans said leaning on the table while Cas frowned.

"You said you had feelings for me. Do you?" Cas said stepping toward Dean who gulped. 

"Oh... that. Y-yeah I do. I really like you Cas. I have for a long time." Dean said looking down at the floor not wanting to see Castiel's face. 

But then he felt a hand on the bottom of his chin lifting his face. Dean looking up and saw Cas' face was inches away from his. Then he lips on his and his eyes fluttered closed. He moved his lips against Castiel's.

Cas' hands moved to Dean's hair tugging on it slightly. Dean had his hands under Cas' trench coat on his lower back trying to bring them closer.

"Can you guys have sex in your own room. That's what Gabriel and Sam are doing." Dean and Cas jumped away hearing Stiles voice. They both had red faces and Stiles laughed at them as he grabbed a sandwich. 

"Wait did you say, Gabriel and Sam?" Dean said and Stiles nodded.

"Yep, I was walking down the hallway and could hear them. I wish I was deaf and blind now." Stiles said as he walked all the way back to his room plugging his ears so he couldn't hear his uncles on the way by Sam's room. Once he got back to his room he shut the door then laid down on his bed.

"I miss you, Derek. I miss Scott and the rest of the pack. God help me."

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