It's Party Time

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Hi! This is my first story so it may be bad. Please comment and vote! *Nina Dobrev as Skylar*

"Head in the clouds got no weight on my shoulders, I should be wiser and realize that I've got one less problem without you" Ariana Grande's 'Problem' blasted through the house, bouncing off the walls to create a cool echo effect. I sway my hips back and forth to the rhythm of the music, the alcohol taking over.

I close my eyes and throw my hands up in the air in an effort to have a good time at my first party. Yes, I know; I'm 17 and this is my first party. Laugh it up, I don't mind. The song ends and my throat burns from screaming song lyrics for the past half an hour. My legs slowly carry me over to the bar and I grab water, hoping this will help my hangover in the morning.

I slowly sip my water and my eyes start wandering in the hopes of finding my best friend, Katelyn. I find her dancing with some guy in the middle of the dance floor. The guy's back is faced away from me so it's hard to tell who it is, but in the midst of all this, I know who the mystery man is. It's none other than Niall Horan, better known as Harry Styles' best friend.

Who is Harry Styles you ask. He is the bad boy of the school, you know the one daddy warns you about. The one who's in a gang, the leader actually, steals, does drugs and all that other bad stuff. He's your typical delinquent; the annoying player who thinks he owns the school and has the right to disrespect everyone and everything. Yeah, he's that kid.

I got so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice when a guy sits down next to me, his gaze strong and in thought. I peer over my shoulder and see the mop of curly brown hair, and I immediately know who it is. It's the one and only, Harry Styles.

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