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Sorry for not updating in a while! I have been so busy with school and everything, but i will try to update quicker.



Skylar's POV

"Ready and go!" Harry screams as I unlock my handcuffs with a hairpin and start running with Harry. My legs shake as we run and my breathing becomes heavy. I can't believe I just shot some one. Like a real, living, breathing person. Well, they were leaving at least. No, bad. Focus. Come on Skylar.

"Hey, you did what you had to do,okay?" Harry reassures me. I just nod and try to swallow the lump in my throat.

"THEY'VE ESCAPED!!!" The call rings out as we sprint down the hallway, looking for an exit.

"Right there," Harry points towards a door in this were house type place that has a big EXIT sign above it. Wow, these people are so dumb. This is so easy. Escaping I mean. Harry wraps his hands around the silver metal handle and starts pulling but it won't open. I giggle and Harry looks at me funny. I point to the big sign that says 'push' while he looks at me sheepishly while blushing. After opening the door, we head out into a big open area.

"I SEE THEM!" Someone calls from a window and immediately shots are fired at us.

Harry pulls me near him, shielding me. We run and Harry hot wires a red Ferrari. I almost get shot while standing by the car, waiting for Harry. He finally gets the stupid car to start and we hop in. Harry speeds off into the distance, leaving this place.

Once we are far enough away, I release an ocean of tears. Sobs rack my body and I try desperately to stop them. Harry looks at me worriedly before pulling over on the side of the road. Once we are parked, Harry pulls me into his arms and I sit on his lap, my face buried in the crook of his neck. My body still shakes as Harry cradles me in his warm chest, whispering soothing things in my ears. Nothing helps though but Harry doesn't seem to mind. A whole thirty minutes later, my sobs stop and they turn into small sniffles. I pull away and glance up at Harry with tear-stained cheeks.

"Thanks," I wipe under my eyes to get the tears away while Harry just flashes me a small, sad smile. He looks broken, hurt, like a lost puppy. Say what you want, but it's heartbreaking.

"Hey what's wrong?" I keep my eyes focused on Harry while he starts the car up again.

"I should've protected you better; I should have done something! But I didn't, I just sat there," He chokes on a sob and tears spill from my own eyes.

"You were tied up as you fought back, there was nothing more that you could do. Don't blame yourself, okay?" I try to soothe him and it works, making me smile. Huh, funny how suck small things can go a long way.

"Now, I want you to meet someone," Harry flashes me his signature smirk. Ugh, ago is it?


We pull up into a big, fancy driveway with a gate, but that's not what makes my jaw drop. It's the humongous house at the end of the driveway. It is a classy but elegant house, but the architecture is beautiful. Before I know it, Harry is dragging me up the driveway and into the mansion.

"Hey Har- OMG is this the girl you've been telling me about? And where were you for the past two days?" A fairly young lady with brown hair and brown eyes, wearing a cooking apron, bombards us with questions. Harry's cheeks tint pink when the lady mentions that he been talking about me.

"Yes, Anne, this is Skylar, the girl I've been talking about. We were in a little bit of trouble for a while, but I got us out; so yeah..." Harry trails off awkwardly. Anne, that sound familiar. Wait, I remember Harry mentioning the name during his life story. Anne, Anne, ANNE! This is her?! Before I can think anymore, Anne lets our a huge squeal and engulfs me in a big bear hug. I giggle and hug her back.

"It's so nice to finally meet the girl who's got my little boy in love." Anne smirks and I blush a dark red.

"It's nice to meet you too, Anne." I reply back curtly. She gives me a toothy grin which I return before Harry pulls me to a room. His room maybe? Yep, it says so on the door.

"So, this is my house; that was the lady that took me in; and this, is my room." Harry finishes, leaving me to gawk. Man, I wish I lived here.

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