Pop Quiz

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Louis Tomlinson as Himself. He looks adorable OMG

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! My alarm clock blares right in my ear, causing me to jump and roll off the bed. I grab my hip and wince in pain, reaching up for the off button.

"Are you okay?" My dad yells up the stairs.

"Peachy," I yell back down, reaching for the off button again. I can't find it so my hand grabs the warm clock and I throw it across the floor. It lands with a 'THUD' and I rub my eyes, slowly standing up.


"I still can't believe he did that to you. I mean, really: he is going to try to get you but DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT, fall for him." I roll my eyes playing temple run on my phone, barely paying attention to Katelyn's boring rant.

"Okay, I get it! No Harry Styles!" I walk up to my locker with Katelyn at my side, annoyed. I know that I can't fall for Harry and I won't so you don't need to tell me what not to do.

"I'm sorry, I just don't want you to get hurt." She sighs, hanging her head. Guilt washes over me and I turn my head to see Katelyn biting her bottom lip.

"No, Im sorry. I just know that I won't fall for Harry and everyone is acting like I will." She shakes her head, sadness clear in her eyes.

"Don't apologize, Im just scared for you. I really don't want you to get hurt. Your like my sister; your hurt, Im hurt. Please, don't let him mess with you." Katelyn looks me in the eyes, meaning she's serious. I nod and put my locker code in, pulling it open. I shove my things in and walk to Language Arts with Katelyn.

I sit down at my seat, opening my notebook to take notes. What? How else do you expect me to keep my straight A's up?

"So tomorrow there will be a pop quiz," Ms. Jane starts but stops due to all the grunts and groans. I look down at my desk, a small smile tugging at my lips. I never minded quizzes or tests. I always studied and got good grades so they weren't a bother. "So I expect everyone to get a good grade since I am giving you tonight to study."

I look down at the paper Ms.Jane passed out, seeing boring things I already know. I quickly fill out the worksheet to just get it done, but stop when I hear the doorknob jiggle. My eyes shoot over to door when the knob twists. I look over at the person standing in the doorway and I already know who it is without even looking. It's the one and only, Harry Styles.

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