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Oh, thank god it's Friday. The day before Saturday, my favorite day. Harry and I are hanging out later, so I'm in a really good mood. Katelyn has been ignoring me though, and it's annoying. But that's the least of my problems. Today is the day that I'm going to break up with Louis, even though he never officially asked me to be his girlfriend.

Anyways, I'm standing outside the school door. Slowly, my hand creeps up and reaches for the handle, swinging it open. I slowly walk inside and my eyes search the halls for Louis. I don't find him, but I do find Katelyn. Before I know what's going on, I'm standing behind her.

"Hi Katelyn," I say, making her jump a foot in the air. I smile but she slams her locker and stomps away. I quickly follow her though, before she can get away.

"Okay, what the hell is your problem? Why are you ignoring me?" I raise my voice a little at the end, but Katelyn doesn't even flinch.

"I heard about you and Harry. How could you do this to me? You know, I actually like him, but you go and walk right into his life like it's no big deal. And to think, we were actually friends." She scoffs and spins on her heel, leaving me alone in tears.

"Hey, are you okay?" Louis' voice rings in my ears. I slowly turn around to face Louis. Great, I just lost my best friend and now I have to 'dump' Louis.

"Uh, yeah. Listen, I need to talk to you." A look of confusion covers his face so I go on. "I'm really sorry, but whatever we have going on can't happen. You're an amazing guy, but I like someone else. I'm really sorry." Instead of getting mad or sad, he flashes me a small half hearted smile.

"It's Harry isn't it?" I nod and he continues. "YYou're right rthough I think we are better off as friends. Oh, and if Harry ever hurts you, come to me and I'll kick his ass for you." He gives me a cheeky smile before sauntering off.

Not a minute later, Harry comes over to me looking different.

"Hey Harry, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just really need I ask you something." I motion for him to go on so he does. "Will you be my girlfriend?" My heart almost stops beating and I breathe out the only word I can.


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