You and I

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Thanks for reading my story! Please tell me how you think the new description is. Yes, I changed it, and I don't know if I should change it back. Comment and Vote!



        My heart beats faster as he stares into my hazel eyes. Harry senses my nervousness and reaches down to grab my hand while smirking.

        "Nervous?" Harry voices his thoughts. A light blush spreads over my cheeks as he says that, automatically giving him the answer.

        "N-No," I stutter. Him and I both know damn well that I'm lying through my teeth. Harry brushes the hair by my ear away and leans in closer.

        "Are you sure about that?"  I open my mouth to talk but no words come out.

        "Are you sure?" I manage to speak, trying not to mess all this up.

        "Sure about what?" Confusion crossess Harry's face like it has done so many times before.

        "Sure about loving me," I breathe. Harry's eyes soften and he pulls away from my ear, staring into my soul once again.

        "I love the way you walk, the way you talk, the way you look away when you blush, how you cover your face with your hair, how you constantly challenge me. I love it all, Sky. And I've never been so sure about anything in my life. You know what, actually, I've loved you all along, I just haven't realized it until now." Harry speaks truthfully, making my stomach spin and my heart skip a beat. No words escape my lips except a few.

        "I love you too."


      Harry's POV ;)

  "You walk slower than my grandma," I tell Skylar who is walking like a hippo about to die of dick cancer. She rolls her eyes and moves up her pace, making me sigh in relief. I interlock our fingers and flash Skylar a small grin, to which she returns. My heart rate increases 10 times as she shyly smiles and looks away once she sees how intently I am staring at her. I tear my gaze away from her beautiful and look up at the dark sky, and the bright stars. They relate to me and Skylar in a way. My whole planet lights up when she talkes, or smiles, or does anything really. But my heart shines brighter than the rest, when she tells me she loves me. She's only the second person to ever tell me she loves me, but I somehow feel unconditinal love. It almost radiates off of her when we're around. I hope this only happens around me though. Not Louis or any other guy for that matter. A frown twist on my face when I think of that.

        "You okay? You almost walked right by my house." Sky chuckles. I smile and nod, walking  up the steps. I hear the door click, signaling it's unlocked. We both step in and are met with Sklar's parents, I'm asuming. They look like her. Her mom has the same eyes and her dad has the same hair color. Her mom has the same facial features while her dad has the same body complexion, but for a girl, if that makes any sense.

        "Skylar Marie Jones where were yo-," Her mom stops mid-sentance when she sees me, and studies me. I shift from foot to foot but don't break eye contact with her father, who is glaring at me intensly. "Who is he?" She bluntly asks.

        "Mom, dad, I'd like you to meet Harry, my boyfriend." Skylar fills the akward silence, and then a strance scene occurs.


        "I know I should've told you, I'm sorry." Sky mutters.

        "Oh, your not gonna be the sorry one," her father mumbles and walk closer to me.

        "So, Harry, eh? How old are you, Harry?" He says my name almost as if he's mocking me, and I push the slight anger I get down.

        "18 sir," I say, trying to be polite.

        "Sky's 17. Do you think you can handle her being younger? Handle her immaturatity? When she needs help? How about when one of you leaves for college? Hm," he fires questions, and I try to listen to all of them, and think of a proper answer.

        "Howard, stop interigating the poor guy, I mean he's cute and  I trust Skylar to make the right desicions, don't you?" Her mother asks, almost daring him to disagree.

        "Yes, dear," Sky's father mumbles under his breath. "Just making sure." Her mother nods and Skylar then speaks.

        "I promise you, he's super sweet and caring. I love him, so please don't ruin this for me," Skylar begs, looking at her father. Her parents look shocked as she tells them she loves me, and everyone notices my face light up as she says this. "Now, Harry and I are going to sleep." She pulls me up the stairs before they can protest.

        After getting ready for bed, Skylar and I crawl in to her queen sized bed, me almost spooning her.

        "Harry, can you sing to me?" She sleepily asks. I don't respond, I just starts singing.

I figured it out,
I figured it out from black and white
Seconds and hours,
Maybe they had to take some time

I know how it goes,
I know how it goes from wrong and right
Silence and sound
Did they ever hold each other tight
Like us?
Did they ever fight
Like us?

You and I
We don't wanna be like them
We can make it 'til the end
Nothing can come between
You and I
Not even the gods above
Can separate the two of us
No, nothing can come between
You and I

Oh, you and I

I figured it out,
Saw the mistakes of up and down
Meet in the middle,
There's always room for common ground

I see what it's like,
I see what it's like for day and night
Never together
'Cause they see things in a different light
Like us
But they never tried
Like us

You and I
We don't wanna be like them
We can make it 'til the end
Nothing can come between
You and I
Not even the gods above
Can separate the two of us

'Cause you and I...

We don't wanna be like them,
We can make it 'til the end,
Nothing can come between
You and I
Not even the gods above
Can separate the two of us
No, nothing can come between
You and I

You and I

Oh, you and I
Oh, you and I

We can make it if we try,
You and I

Oh, you and I

        By the time I finish, Skylar is fast asleep, and I let the darkness overcome me.

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