I Love You

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       Thank you all so much for reading my story! It means a lot to me.



         "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN GONE?" I yell at the top of my lungs.

        "I mean dissapeared, not seen, fallen off the face of the earth." The doctor spits out, making a sob escape my lips.

        "I need to go find him," I murmer, trying to sit up.

        "No, you can't."

        "I will do whatever the hell I want because it's a free country, so I suggest you move your fat ass and let me leave this stupid hospital before I shove that tree so far up your ass that you'll be spitting up leaves for the rest of your life," I growl. Wow, I even scared myself. The doctor looks terrified and moves out my way. I flash him a small smile after untangling myself from all those wires and tubes and speed out the door.

        I look around and notice that Harry's car isn't in the lot. Damnmit, that was the only way that I could've found him. Now I have no chance. He could have moved a lot further in a car than on foot. Let's see, what places does Harry like? Screw it, I have no idea. I guess it's time to walk around aimlessly with a huge headache in hopes of finding your boyfriend who is missing. Yeah, sounds like the perfect plan.

        I take off on foot, and head to all the nearby parks. Empty. Ugh Harry, where are you? I'm freezing my butt off. I'm about to give up and go home when I hear a voice and the strumming of a guitar.

Shut the door, turn the lights off

I wanna be with you

I wanna feel your love

I wanna lay beside you

I cannot hide this even though I try

Heart beats harder

Time escapes me

Trembling hands touch skin

It makes this harder

And the tears stream down my face

If we could only have this life for one more day

If we could only turn back time

You know I'll be

Your life, your voice, your reason to be

My love, my heart

Is breathing for this

Moment in time

I'll find the words to say

Before you leave me today

Close the door

Throw the key

Don't wanna be reminded

Don't wanna be seen

Don't wanna be without you

My judgement is clouded

Like tonight's sky

Hands are silent

Voice is numb

Try to scream out my lungs

It makes this harder

And the tears stream down my face

If we could only have this life for one more day

If we could only turn back time

You know I'll be

Your life, your voice, your reason to be

My love, my heart

Is breathing for this

Moment in time

I'll find the words to say

Before you leave me today

Flashes lights in my mind

Going back to the time

Playing games in the street

Kicking balls with my feet

There's a numb in my toes

Standing close to the edge

There's a pile of my clothes

At the end of your bed

As I feel myself fall

Make a joke of it all

You know I'll be

Your life, your voice, your reason to be

My love, my heart

Is breathing for this

Moment in time

I'll find the words to say

Before you leave me today

You know I'll be

Your life, your voice, your reason to be

My love, my heart

Is breathing for this

Moment in time

I'll find the words to say

Before you leave me today

       I clap, making Harry turn around with a startled face. Color rises from his neck to his cheeks, making me smile

        "Uh, how long have you been standing there?" He looks nervous.

        "Long enought to know that you are an amazing singer and that I love you," As soon as the words escape my lips, I wish I could take them back. Harry opens his mouth to say something.

        "Harry, please say something. Look, I know you might not love me, and I get that. But I know I love you. All I can think about is your dazzling green eyes all the time or the mop of curls on you head. Even your tattoos and how they amaze me, or how I dream of you being my night in shining armor. Look, I don't care if you think I'm weird or crazy or anything but-" Harry's warps his warm arms around my petite waist and passionitly kisses me. It isn't like the normal rough and hard kiss, this one is more slow and sweet, showing who he really is.

        "I love you too."

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