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This is it guys! I am so sad that it is over but I am happy that it is finished! PS this is going to be super short because it is the epilogue! Thanks for reading and all the comments! Goodbye (for now?)!



"Welcome to Lizzie's diner how may I-" I stop as I notice Harry and Louis are the ones that just walked through the door. I have avoided both of them ever since Harry and I broke up, and this is the first time talking to them in three months. "Help you," i finish.
I avoid eye contact and stare down at my notepad and pen. I nervously bite my lip before Louis speaks.


"That's me." No point in denying it now. I have a little rude edge to my voice, but after what Harry did to me, I think I have the right to drop my manners.

"Anyways, can we have two cheeseburgers and two medium coke's?" My breath hitches as I hear Harry speak for the first time in a long time. I nod my head and turn around before waking to the kitchen.

"Here is another order," I call out to the kitchen staff.

"Thanks Hun." I nod before turning around to head back up to the counter.

"Wait, are you okay?" The same worker asks. I hesitate before answering her.

"I guess."

"What's wrong?" I sigh before summing up what happened with me and Harry. I wonder what happened to Katelyn. The evil witch has vanished. Eh, not my problem.

"Well, that is a bad situation, but it was bound to happen eventually." I flash her a small smile before grabbing Harry and Louis' order.

"Here are your orders. Thanks for coming! Enjoy your meals!" I fake the happiness in my voice. They each give me a small nod and smile before heading out the door.

And just like that, I let him go. Again. But this time he isn't coming back.

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