Amazing Performance

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Thanks for reading my story! Please vote,comment, and share! Oh,and I plan on ending the story soon-ish. I don't know when, but maybe ten more chapters or something. Maybe more or less. Anyways, please share any ideas you want to! Now,  lets's get on with it, shall we?



Hand in hand, we stroll down the halls, talking and laughing. I speed up my pace and hold in my laughs as a heavy teacher saunters down the hallways, stopping and pointing a frosting covered finger at us.

"Hey, you guys! You're supposed to be in class. Go on, skedaddle before I call your mommy to come pick you up!" Donut pieces come flying out of his mouth as his sentance goes on, and I am almost peeing myself trying to hold in my laughter. We quickly nod out heads, turning a corner before letting out our dying laughter. Together, Harry and I probably sound like a dying hyena, but we don't care. Our laughs carry on until we hear the principal's heels clacking down the hallway. Harry pulls me into the crevis of a classroom door, pressing me into the corner, making sure I can't be seen. Harry holds his breath as she walks by, humming 'Sexy and I Know It.' Harry's face and the principal's face once she see's she's been caught singing is hilarious. I can feel Harry's body shaking, trying to hold in his chuckles. Hell, I'm doing the same.

"Harry! What are you doing out here? Aren't you supposed to be in class?" She asks, her face flustered after being caught.

"Yeah, that's why I'm out here. And amazing performance, really." The sarcasmm flows out of his mouth, and I can't hold it in anymore. I let out a small giggle, but it's enough to show Ms.McCarthy that I'm there.

"Skylar Jones? What on earth are you doing out here? You know what, I'm going to let you guys off the hook for right now. And don't tell anyone about me singing, got it? Good, now leave. I'll give you guys a skip if you don't tell anyone about this encounter. It stays between us, alright?" My mouth is surely hanging wide open, and even Harry looks shocked that Ms.McCarthy is letting us skip school that easily. Wow, she really doesn't want anyone to know about her horrible 'Sexy and I Know It' performance. Whatever, as long as I don't have to listen to teachers drag on and on and on about ancient people who are dead, or calculate long math equations. I can tell Harry is thinking the same thing because he plants a small smile on his face.

"Well, thank you. We will be leaving now," Harry nods at her before dragging me down the halls and into the parking lot. Our laughter soon fills Harry's car before he can even start driving. Harry and I are hunched over in our seats, pain shooting through our stomachs as the laughter continuously drags on. OMG, that was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

About ten minutes later, Harry and I pull ourselves out of our hunched positions and wipe the tears that have escaped our eyes away. Whew, the pain is gone!

"Hey Harry, where are we going?" I wonder out loud. He givs me an evil smirk before givinig me a useless answer.

"Somewhere," he smiles. Gee, thanks for the help.


"NO, absolutely NOT. I'll never talk to you again if you make me do this," I glare at Harry who laughs and slings me over his toned shoulder. Is it even possible for a shoulder to be toned? Eh, it is now.

"No, Harry! Please don't make me do this! I'll hate you forever!" I whine, but my words stick on him. Harry flings me down and I can see the sadness appear in his eyes, along with baby tears that are getting bigger and bigger. A tear slips down his cheek and my heart shatters like glass.

"No, Harry, I didn't mean it. I would never hate you. I just really don't want to go to the party. It's Jessica's party, and she hates me. She'll do something to make me look stupid. Then I will become a stupid freak, and then you'll be seen hanging out with me and get beaten up, or you'll just leave me all together. And before you say anything, yes it will seriously happen. I'm stupid when I'm drunk and I couldn't dance for shit." I let the words roll off my tongue, absent-mindedly moving up against him. I wipe away the fallen tear and Harry burries his head in my hair, slipping his warm arms around my waist.

"No, I'm sorry. It's just, the thought of you hating me or leaving me hurts, a lot. I don't want to be without you. I'd rather die." Harry shakes his head and pulls away before continuing, "And I could teach you to dance, and I'll help you when you get drunk. I'll stay sober for you." A ghost smile appears on my lips and I lean in, letting my lips brush against his. I pull away before looking at Harry seriously.

"I would love that," I tell him before walking back to the car to go home and get clothes for the party, purposely swaying my hips.

"Ugh, tease," I hear Harry groan before he manuvers over to his car and into the black leather driver's seat. "You know what happens to teases right?" Harry kisses my neck and I bite my lip to hold in a moan. "This." He leans in and kisses me, before leaving trails of kisses down my neck. I let in the small moan that's dying to get out before Harry bites down, making me gasp. I can tell that that's going to leave a hickey that I will need to cover up, or maybe I won't cover it up. Harry would want people to see it. Before I know it, Harry has pulled away from my neck, licking the wound to seize the pain in my neck. He then leans over, back into his own seat and winks that me, leaving me stunned and horny. And trust me, that is not a good combination.

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