That did NOT just happen

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Harry Styles as HImself :)

"And he just sat down next to me without me noticing and then HE WINKED AT ME!" I scream, explaining what happened at the party to Katelyn. Now, don't take this the wrong way. I didn't want Harry to wink at me, he just; did.

"The nerve of some people!" Katelyn gets out after five minutes of hyperventilating. You see, most of the school is head over heels for Harry Styles, like; I will bow down at his feet and treat him like he is some sort of god. But, not Katelyn and I. He's a player, messes with girls hearts, has one night stands. It disgusts me.

"Hello?! Earth to Skylar!" Katelyn waves an arm in front of my face, causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

"W-what? Oh, sorry." I look down at my feet, embarrassed I zoned out because of Harry. I feel my cheeks burn and I pull my hair over my face.

"It's fine. So, lets go get ice-cream! Its like 500 degrees outside!" Katelyn waves her arms in exaggeration. A chuckle escapes my chapped lips and I nod my head, saying 'lets go!'.


Katelyn and I walk into the ice-cream shop, laughing because my mom still think LOL means lots of love. Katelyn wraps her hand around my arm and drags behind a trash can, pulling me behind it.

"What are you doing?!" I laugh, trying to stand up.

"Harry works here!" I can feel my heart stop beating, and I peek around the trash can to see some familiar sparkling green eyes. I gulp and slowly get up, trying not to look like I just came out from behind the trash, when in reality I did.

"What are you doing?!" Katelyn whisper shouts, looking at me like I'm crazy.

"Harry is not keeping me from getting ice-cream," I spit his name out with venom dripping off my tongue, enough venom to make a snake jealous.

Harry turns around at the sound of my footsteps, a light burning in his eyes when he sees me. I'm not sure if it's in a good or bad way though.

"Hey'" I breathe out trying to look away from his captivating eyes. His face holds a cheeky smile, and his low voice rings in my ears.

"What can I get for you, beautiful?" I try to ignore the 'beautiful' part, but it's hard.

"Cotton candy ice cream."

"Make that two." Well, Katelyn came out of her hiding spot. He winks at me and gets to work, making sure our hands brush when he gives me my ice-cream. Ok, that did not just happen. Did it?

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