The Fair

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Hey guys, I am going to try to start making my chapters longer. Please comment and vote!



Harry pulls up and slowly opens my door. I smile and take the hand that he has outreached for me, stepping out of the car. I step down and out of the car, my foot getting caught on the ledge of the step, making me tumble out of the car and into Harry's arms, knocking us over. Harry let's out a small groan and I look at him.

"Are you okay?" He nods with a slight chuckle and I blush, covering my face with my hair. "I'm sorry." I apologize, wishing I could crawl up into a hole and die. I can feel his laugh rumble through his chest, along with his heartbeat that is slowly speeding up. I manage to get out of Harry's warm embrace and stand up, reaching out an arm for him to take. He smirks and latches onto it, pulling me down once again.

"You were supposed to stand up, doofus," I angrily mumble. He, again, laughs, even though this isn't funny at all, while I put my hands on the concrete and push myself up, walking off. I hear loud footsteps behind me and I know that Harry is following me. A big hand reaches out and clamps itself onto my right arm, pulling me into a rock hard chest.

"I was kidding, you know," Harry says, while I keep up my angry act.

"Well you didn't have to be so mean. I was trying to help you and you pull me down. You could've gotten hurt!" I raise my voice near the end and cross my arms. Shock crosses Harry's face and then twists into a look that a dying bird would make. I can't keep the laughter in anymore, so I laugh until I'm on the ground clutching my sides with tears streaming down my face.

"Haha, very funny," Harry pouts, making me laugh even harder. "I thought that I was going to have to get down on my hands and knees and beg for your forgivness." The thought of him doing that sends me into bigger fits of laughter, so hard that I can't breathe.

"S-stop I-I can't b-breathe." I finally compose myself a few minutes later and wipe my face, trying to get all the tears off of it. Harry is standing next to me like a little kid in time out, so I pinch his cheeks.

"Aww, I'm sorry. I had to," I pause for a minute before starting again, "It was so funny though." I go out into a fit of giggles and soon Harry joins me. We laugh for about two more minutes before heading to the ticket booth.

"Two tickets please," Harry tells the older man behind the counter who looks like he is about to have a seizure.

"That'll be $6.00 please." Harry pays the man and we head inside, looking around at what to do first.

"Can we plllleeeeaaaassssseeee ride the rockin' tornado? Please?" I make my puppy dog face, knowing he can't resist. He looks uncomfortable and shifts from his left foot to his right, but still nods. I cheer and drag him to the rollercoaster, getting in the line. After 20 minutes of humming, pouting, begging, knee slapping, and laughing, we are at the front. I pull Harry onto the cart and the man comes and locks our seats in.

"Will you hold my hand?" Harry asks, fear on display in his eyes. AW. How can I say no to that face?

"Of course, Mr.Styles," I joke, making Harry crack a small smile. The ride starts and Harry holds my hand in a death grip.

"Is Mr.Big Bad Harry scared?" I joke, laughing when he blushes and turns his head.

"Of course no-" the ride takes off and we scream loudly, squeezing eachothers hand's. We go in loops and down death drops, making Harry scream so loud I'm pretty sure China can hear him.

"I'm going to throw up!" Harry screams, which makes me scream.

"NO! Don't throw up!" I yell back at him, scootching as far away as I can get. Then, we slowly pull to a stop and I quickly get out, not wanting to get thrown up on. Harry slowly pulls his legs out and drags them over to me, linking our hands together. I smile and pull him away to a food stand.

"You didn't tell me you were scared of rollercoasters," I pout. Harry looks over with an apologetic smile, which I return with a small one of my own.

"I didn't want you to think I was a wussy," he mutteres under his breath, looking down at his shoes as if they are the most interesting thing in the world.

"Harry, I wouldn't of thought you were a wussy. It's cute, actually." I gaze up at him through my long eyelashes.

"Well thanks, now can we go get some food? I am STARVING!" I giggle and pull him to the nearest food shop, sitting down at a table while he orderes two cheeseburgers.


"Thanks for today, I had a great time," I smile at Harry.

"It's no problem," He responds back at me, interlocking out fingers and setting me in the car, making sure I don't fall. Again. My mind is so occupied with Harry that I don't even know that we've arrived at my house.

"Look, I know I'm hot, but you can think about me in you room," he jokes, making my cheeks flush.

"Well, thanks for today." I walk off after shutting the door, thinking about Harry all the way up to room.

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