English Please

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I slap my alarm clock and rub my eyes. Pushing myself off of my heaven like bed, I slowly throw my legs carelessly off the edge of my bed. I slowly walk over to the bathroom. I turn the shower knob to hot and grab a towel before stripping and getting in the shower.

20 minutes later, I turn the water off and reach out for my fluffy towel. I dry off and head to my closet. I grab a pair of skinny jeans and a white sweater shirt. I then slip on a pair of converse and head down the stairs.

As I am heading down the stairs, I hear the front door open. What? No one has a key to my house except family but my family isn't home. My breathing rapidly increases and I frantically search for a weapon. I quietly creep down the stairs with a lamp I found in the closest room.

I sneakily head to the kitchen where I hear movement. I turn on the light an shout, "Don't move!", only to be met with a crying Katelyn.

"Katelyn? What's wrong?" I speed over to her and take her in my arms.

"Akdnwornt fodnehrbrhorheb ensurhvrri," she isn't making any sense thanks to her loud sobs.

"English please," I joke. She doesn't even crack a smile.

"R-Ryder kissed E-Emily," She cries. WHAT? Ryder was Katelyn's boyfriend of a year, he wouldn't ever purposely hurt Katelyn.

"Hey, shh. He probably has a reason. I know him, he would never hurt you. But in the meantime, ice-cream?" Ice-cream is our savior. She slowly nods and walks to the couch. I grab two bowls and serve up some cotton candy ice-cream.

I walk over to Katelyn and hand her a bowl before plopping down on the couch next to her. I turn on the TV and we watch Disney movies all day. Yes, we skipped school, but this is important. Really important.

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