Someone Could Jump Out Of The Bushes

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<Ashley Benson as Katelyn>

My breathing pace increases rapidly as my legs carry me out of the ice-cream shop. I can feel Harry's gaze burning holes in my head, and it sends shivers down my spine.

"Did he just-That didn't-He couldn't have-" Katelyn stutters out. A small laugh escapes my lips and my head moves in an up and down motion.

"It was probably nothing. Harry flirts with every breathing organism on the Earth. It was probably all a bet," I shrug. I believe my words, but deep down inside it hurts to know that everything is probably a bet.

The side smiles, the way he winked at me over his shoulder; how Harry called me beautiful. All of it is fake, but I don't want to believe that it is. It hurts to much.

"Ooh, are those chocolate cupcakes?"

"What where?!?!" I snap out of my trance and look around frantically.

"Where is what?"

"The chocolate cupcakes," I say slowly, my head turning to the side in confusion.

"I never said anything about chocolate cupcakes."

"But, you just--" I decide to let the topic go with the roll of my eyes. I really don't understand this chick.

Katelyn and I walk together in a peaceful silence until we reach her house.

"Well, here's my house. Later!" Katelyn shouts pulling a key out of her dazzling red handbag.

I wave with a small smile on my face. My legs quicken the pace when I see Katelyn slip into her house. I hate walking alone, I feel like someone is watching me. I mean, someone could just jump out of the bushes and stab you. The thought sends shivers down my spine, and I'm so caught up in thought (like always) that I almost miss my house.

I walk right up the concrete steps and reach the newly painted door.

My hands grips the cold medal knob of my front door, and I slowly push open the big wooden door. I am immediately attacked by the warm breeze of air, and I carelessly throw my things down on the floor by my shoes. My mom will yell at me later, but I don't care.

I walk to the swirly staircase and grip the handle, pulling myself along. My legs feel weak and I don't know why. The only reason I can think of is, well...Harry.

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