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Hey! Sorry for any errorrs in my story! I will try to edit it later. PLEASE comment, vote for, and share my story!



"Thank you," I breathe, my heart beating rapidly inside my chest. Harry and I had been hanging out when I tripped over his god damn rug. I was prepared to fall on my face, but Harry surprised me by catching me. Now, we were pressed up so close I could beel his breath on me. I was gazing into his eyes when I noticed something.

"OH MY GOD!" I screech, causing Harry to jump and hold me protectivley in front of him.

"WHAT?!" Harry frantically looks around, causing me to giggle.

"Your eyes have gold flecks in them! That's so cool! My friend Caleb has eyes JUST LIKE yours! They look really good on him. And you of course, but really. His eyes make people worship the ground he walks on." I take in a huge amount of breath after my rant. Harry stares at me, making me shift uncomfertably, before taking off, slmaing the white door on the way out. My feet stay in place as my mind chants for me to run after him. Eventually, I take control again and open the door, searching the long halls for any signs of Harry. I find myself in the kitchen, my ear pressed up against the door, listening in on Harry and Anne's conversation.

"I know that Skylar would never do anything, but it makes me so mad! I mean, sure, I can get girls," That stung, "But I never pay attention to their eye color, or how hot they are! I mean, she was just rambling on about this hot Caleb guy! I know that she probably has some guy friends, but she was talking about how he is super hot in front of me! Ugh, it really pisses me off." Harry finally finishes and I try to surpress a giggle at how dramatic he sounds.

"Looks like somebody's jealous!" Anne sings and I can almost feel Harry blush.

"No I'm not! I mean, sure Skylar was talking about how this Caleb guy is a sex god, and that his eyes are amazing, and how people worship the ground he walks on," I peak through the door crevis to see Harry's handsome face pulled into a tight frown. "Okay, so maybe I am jealous. Is that normal though? I mean, they are just friends but she called him hot and everything!"

"Harry relax, it's totally normal. I only love you, okay?" I tell him after pushing the door open and letting myself roam into the large kitchen. Harry's head whips to me and he flushes, obviously knowing I just heard their conversation.

"Um, how much of that did you hear?" Harry nervously rubs the back of his neck, causing me to laugh.

"'Most of it, but it's cute. I would never leave you though, so there is no reasaon to be jealous. I love you, Hazza," I finish. Harry's face lights up and he walks over and pulls me close to him.

"Aw, thanks. I love you too. And Hazza?" Harry's face twists when he says it, almost like he is testing it out.

"Yeah, I mean if you don't like it then-" Harry warm lips cut me off and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Aww, you guys are so cute!" Anne gushes from behind us. I blush and hide in the crook of Harry's neck. I feel his chest rumble with laughter.

"It's not funny," I whine and pout childishly. Harry just chuckles and kisses me passionitly. (A/N I have no idea how to spell that so...)

"You're cute princess," Harry tells me. I smile up at him and pull away a little so that he doesn't suffocate me.

"Who's the one with the nicknames now, huh?" I playfully tease. Harry just smirks and pulls me closer. I glance back at Anne who has a small smile on her lips, then to the clock.

"SHIT! I have to go home, NOW! OH MY GOD! My parents are going to murder me when I get home! ST. Mother of Mary, this is NOT how I wanted to go!" I freak out and peck Harry and wave goodbye to Anne before sprinting home. I finally make it in a five minutes and bust the door open before bending over and resting my hands on my legs to get some air into my lungs.

"SKYLAR MARIE JONES WHERE ON EARTH HAVE YOU BEEN?" My mother shouts at the top of her lungs, a pissed expresion on her face. My dad's expression is the same as my mom's, maybe even worse. Oh god. I am SO dead!

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