He's The Spider Man and I'm His Gwen

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He gazes into my eyes, his eyes shining brighter than the sun. A smile tugs at his lips and I giggle. He looks like a five year old on Christmas. He slowly leans in and so do I. After what feels like centuries, our lips connect and fireworks explode in my stomach. His hand slowly reaches out and strokes my cheek, and I open my mouth for him to slip his tongue in. He obliges happily and I smile against his mouth. He slowly pulls away and I can't find it in me to rip myself away from his gaze. I hear whistles and look around to find everyone staring at us. My cheeks flush and Harry chuckles while wrapping his arms around me, letting me hid in his toned chest.

Right now, I feel like he's the Spiderman and I'm his Gwen. Everything is perfect, I can't even explain how amazing I feel. My life was once broken, but now all of those empty spaces in my heart are whole. Those tears are closed, and those black spots are filled with light.

I slowly pull my head out of Harry's chest and look around at all of the kids, my eyes catching Louis'. He flashes me a small smile and nod which I return. Harry laces his hand with mine and slowly turn around and head to class. With Ms.Jane. Ugh, I don't want to go today.

It's as if Harry read my thoughts because he smirks and says"Hey want do ditch?" I slowly turn to face him and bit my lip. Do I? I have almost a perfect attendance, do I really want to give all that up? I mean, I bet it would be better than spending the day at school.

"Sure." I smile and he pulls me to his car.

"So, where are we going?"

"It's a surprise," He smirks in my direction and I turn to look at him.

"Tell me."

"Nope," He pops the 'p' and turns his attention back to the road.

"Please," I turn and widen my eyes, pouting my lips.







I turn around, facing away from him and pout. Harry chuckles and I slump my shoulders, annoyed with him.

"Aw, you can't stay mad at me. You know you can't," He tries to assure himself. I snort and turn around, looking at him.

"Your lucky your cute," I smile and he laughs while turning into a parking lot. The fair's parking lot.

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