It's Not Nice To Tease People

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"Well, um, it was, uh," My heart starts pounding rapidly and my palms start sweating. Harry's eyes are burning holes in my head and that is just making me more nervous. "Why do you care anyway?" I fire back, my voice suddenly laced with confidence. Harry grits his teeth and looks at me.

"Just tell me goddammit!" Harry shouts, making my hands start shaking. I fially decide to answer his question because I am scared for my life, even though I have a feeling he won't hurt me.

"W-Well, I was t-talking to L-Louis and I s-saw you watching us, so I d-decided to tease you by f-flirting with him," I stutter out. Honsetly, I didn't know it would effect him this much. I thought that he would just storm away or something. Actually, I don't even know why this bothers him at all.

"You know, it's not nice to tease people,Skylar." Harry whispers in my ear, his lips brushing my earlobes. Why does he care? I keep on asking myself. Then it clicks.

"You, Harry Styles, are jealous!" I shout, jumping up and down like a crazy person. Harry's cheels tint pink  for a seconds before he scowls again.

"No I'm not. Anyways, why would I be?" He defends. That's what I can't figure out and it really frustrates me. Until I come up with an answer for why he would be acting this way.

"Oh my god. You like me," I murmer, connecting all of the pieces. Why he's so possessive. Why he always stares at me. Everything. It's because he likes me. I watch as Harry slowly turns his head to the side, a blank expression on his face.

"It's okay, Harry. Wanna know why?" I scoot in really close to Harry and whisper "Because I like you to."

He turns around so fast I think he might have gotten whiplash. Surprise covers his face like a mask, and I definatly know why. I am somewhat surprised myself.

"Well, if you like me, then why are you dating my best friend? Why do you keep on hurting me so bad?" He whimperes like a lost puppy. Guilt starts eating me alive, and all my words get caught in my throat.

"I don't know."

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