Just To Push Harry's Buttons

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"Hey babe," I jump about three feet in the air and let out a small sqeak when Louis surprises me.

" You scared the shit out of me!" I yell to a barelyabletoholdinhislaugh louis. My hand is still on my fast beating heart, and my eyes are surely wide and I probably look like a dying fish. Oh, well.

"Sorry, I had to." His raises his arms up in surrender while I glare at him. From the comer of my eye, I see Harry staring at us, arms crossed and jaw clenched. I decide to mess with him so I turn back to Louis.

"Wow, have you been working out? Your arms are really muscular." I watch Louis smirk and nod his head while I feel his arms up. Harry is about to flip shit and it takes everything in me not to bust out laughing. Just to push Harry's buttons, I slowly glide my hand down to his toned abs.

"I can tell you have been," I whisper in Louis's ear. As I pull away, I hear loud footsteps behind me and I smirk, already knowing who it is. I turn around just in time to be thrown over Harry's shoulder and dragged away from a stunned Louis.

"Harry, PUT ME DOWN!" I pound on his back, trying to get him to put me down, but only end up getting weird stares from people as Harry goes down the hallway.

Finally, Harry opens the door to the janitors closet and closes the door before locking it. He slowly sets me down before giving m an icy glare.

"So, do you want to tell me what the fuck that little stunt with Louis was?"

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