Drama at the Dance

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I open the door and my jaw drops. Louis looks amazing. He is wearing a nice white polo with the sleeves rolled up, and some black skinny jeans. His hair is gelled back and it even though it is a casual outfit, Louis makes it look glorious!

"Hey," I breathe out. I can see his eyes wandering my body, making my cheeks turn a light pink.

"You look gorgeous," he blurts out. My lips curve up into a small side smile as he holds out a simple red rose for me.

"Thank you, you don't look to bad yourself, Tomlinson."

"We're going by last names now, huh Jones?" He smiles.

"Guess so." Louis holds out his arm and I latch my right arm onto his. You might be wondering why no one else is home, well, my parents left on a trip and my brother is in college. My parents pay for the house and everything I need though. Yes, it gets lonely but I manage.

We walk to the car, me watching my feet so that I don't trip in my brand new heels. I crawl into the passenger seat and Louis closes the door for me.

The ride is quiet, not awkward, but peaceful. Neither one of us try to start a conversation. Every once in a while I will hum a song along with the radio, but other then that, there was no noise.

"We're here," Louis states. I open my door and Louis pouts.

"I wanted to open your door. I'm trying to be a gentlemen but you just ruined everything," he throws his arms up in exaggeration while I laugh. He soon joins in and the we walk to the entrance.

A few hours later Louis and I are drunk on the dance floor, grinding against each other. Well, we were until Harry came and ripped us apart. He grabs my arm and pulls me up the stairs and into an empty bedroom.

"Why were you dirty dancing with Louis?" Harry looks really mad; this is NOT good.

"He's my date Harry, I can do whatever I want with him," I slur.

We argue for about ten minutes about the whole dancing with Louis thing until Harry drags me into his car and takes me home.

I don't know why, but I feel safe with him. More safe than with I'm with Louis. And I feel more comfortable around Harry. Bur sometimes I get distracted by his gorgeous green eyes or soft curly hairy that I just want to run my fingers through. And I cant ignore the electricity that flows through my body when we touch.

Huh, maybe this is what love feels like.

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