Save You Tonight

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      Hey, I am not very good at writing explinations or anything, but please tell me how this is!



  "Stop! Let me go! Help! Someone!" I scream, running out of breath. This man has been folowing me, so I did what any normal person would do and starting running for my life. Apparently I am a very slow runner, so he caught up to me immediatly, and dragged me into the nearest empty allyway. I started yelling for help, much to his dismay, and now I am pinned up against the wall. Tears freely fall down my face and the shadowy man seems to notice.

        The man rolls his eyes and hisses, "It won't work, princess."My bottom lip quiveres but I bite it in a fail attempt to stop the ongoing tears. I need to be strong.

        "What do you want?!" I yell, hoping someone would hear. And damn, did someone hear.

        "Hey get off of her you oaf," An all to familiar voice shouts. Harry. Oh, shit. Anyone but Harry. I mentally scream, but it actually leaves my lips when the man is dragged away and beaten to the ground. Of course, by yours truly. Before I know what I'm doing, I run up to harry and try to pull him off the poor guy. For once, luck is on my side and he backs away breathing heavily.

        "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" I shout. Harry looks somewhat taken back, and to be honest, so am I.

        "I think that it's time I tell you the truth," Harry sighs. The truth? "Okay, here I go."

        "So, once upon a time, there was this little boy. His family didn't have much money, and was broken. His parents fought all the time and were planning a divorce. Every time he would go into the kitchen, something would be thrown at him. Yes, he was abused for years, until one day, the boy went to school and cdame home, only to find a note on the refirgerator saying 'We're leaving. Go die in a hole you worthless piece of shit.'" Harry chokes on a sob, and I want nothing more than to cuddle with him.

        "You don't have to finish," I tell him.

        "No, I want to ." He takes a deep breath before starting again. "He had to get a job at the age of thirteen to provide for himself. After school one day, a woman saw him working his ass off, trying to gain enough money to survive, so she took him in as her own. She cared for him, provided for him, loved him. And that's all he ever wanted, someone to love him. But he is bipolar and to deal with the anger he has had bottled up, he got a bunch of tattoos and a few piercing. Every tattoo had a deep meaning; everyone thought they were for show though. Anyway, the lady that took him in, Anne, knows the meaning behind them and that's the reason she puts up with them. The reason she puts up with him. Life hasn't always been easy for him, but for once, he had someone who cared. and for the second time in his life, he has someone he cares for." harry finally finishes.

        "And that little boy was you!" I figure it out and jump up, wrapping him in my arms. He nods and buries his face in my neck.

        "And that person he cares for is you," Harry smiles, quickly pecking my cheek. I lightly blush and pull away from him, making him pout.

        "Why did you pull away?" I laugh at how cute he looks, my eyes rolling back. A gasp suddenly takes over the laugh as I stare at the motionless body on the ground.

        "Oh my god! Why isn't he moving? Is he dead? OH MY GOD HE'S DEAD!" I screech, the alley  closing in. My breathing speeds up and I can hear a faint voice, and my body starts falling backwards. The last thing I feel before falling into a peaceful sleep is my body smacking on the ground, and the echoes of the splatter make me shiver.


        "Hey doc, I think she's waking up," Someone shouts, making me groan. I try desperatley(sp?) to open my eyes and finally do, getting met with a bright light.

        "Yeah, that's it, open your eyes sweetheart," The doctor, I'm assuming, says, grabbing my hand and clutching it. I hear a growl and the hand loses mine. I open my eyes again, adjusting them to the light, and am met with a familiar mop of curls.

        "Hey Harry," I softly groan at the pain in my throat. Harry hands me a bottle of water, and it's then I notice the doctor pulling himself up, using the end of  my bed. He shooots a glare and Harry, and tells him to get out.


        "Harry go," I get out. He looks hurt before dragging himelf through the heavy door.

        "So, how do you feel?"

        "My head hurts." The doctor hands me some advil. I take the pills with the water Harry gave me. and set the water down on the table next to me.

        "Thank you," I flash him a small smile, which he returns. the doctor spins on his heel and is about to exit the door before I stop him.

        "Can you send Harry in?" I question him, and he nods slightly. I wait a few minutes before the doctor storms in.

        "I'm sorry to tell you this, but Harry's gone."


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