Back to School

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I wake up and whack my head on something very sharp. Shit, I mentally curse. I slowly and carefully look up to see the corner of the coffee table in the living room. I move away from the god forbidden table and check out my surroundings. Katelyn is passed out inside of a ice-cream and popcorn circle. I quietly giggle and stand up, ignoring my throbbing head.

"Katelyn. Katelyn. KATELYN!" My voice starts off quiet but fills out into an ear-piercing scream. Her eyes snap open and she screams, causing me to fall to the floor with laughter.A few minutes later, I sit up and wipe my eyes. I slowly head to the shower and turn the water on to warm. I step inside after taking my clothes off and let the strigs of water beat down on me. I grab the rose smelling shampoo and squirt some out in my hand. Then, I grab the rose scented conditionor and leave it in while I shave my legs. I slowly wash my body with strawberry body wash and turn the water off.

I reach out for my towel and pull inside the shower. I quickly dry off my hair and body before wrapping myself in the luscious towel and stepping onto the mat. Carefully walking inside my room, I grab some jean shorts, a pink shirt that has a peace sign on it, and some white converse. I then put on some mascara, nude eyeshadow, and lip gloss before heading down the stairs. I hear the water running upstairs and assume that Katelyn is taking a shower. Since I'm bored, I pull out my phone and play flappy bird. Bad choice.

"God dammit!" I shout after dying once again. This game really pulls my strings. Ugh, whatever. Soon, Katelyn runs down the stairs wearing light blue ripped skinny jeans and a white t-shirt that says love. She is wearing mascara, eyeliner, and lip gloss and her blonde hair is tied up in a bun. We go out to my car and I drive to school. The radio is playing and we jam out to songs. Soon, we pull up in front of the school and get out. Linking arms, we walk up the stairs and into hell.

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