Party... Or not

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Hey, I might me ending this story sooner than I thought I would. PS, this chapter is short. Sorry! It's Halloween, so...



"Harry, it's so slutty," I whine, turning around to look at myself in the mirror. Harry somehow convinced me, Skylar Marie Jones, the good girl, to put on a short, skin tight dress with a small cutout in the front, and wear it to the party. Oh god, kill me for this.

"No, you look beautiful now let's go," Harry tell me with a small smile visible on his soft pink lips. I duck my head to hide the blush on my face but grab Harry's hand and follow him to his black Audi A6. He pulls the shiny door open for me and I slide into the dark leather seat. I turn the loud music down and rest my head on the head rest while closing my eyes.

"We're here,"Harry lightly shakes me. I peel my eyes open and yawn while stretching my arms and back. Harry chuckles and we both step out of the car before linking hands and stepping into the loud, flashy house.

People are grinding and practically having dry sex on the dance floor. Smoke fills my lungs making my disgusted face deepen.

"Hey, I'm gonna go get a drink, you want one?" Harry asks me softly. I nod my head and he stalks off to the mini bar. I watch Harry order two beers and put two shots of Vodka in his drink to help him 'get drunk and party' as I was told earlier.

"Here you go," Harry smiles at me while handing me my drink. I reply with a small 'thanks' and nod of my head. I take a swig of the drink before scrunching my face up as it burns my throat and Harry laughs. I glare at him and take another sip of the drink. Pulling away, I notice that Harry has finished the whole bottle, making my eyes go wide. Harry slowly walks over to me while a smirk on his face.

"You're sexy." He states and I laugh, finding this amusing. "I really mean it. What do you say we take this upstairs? Just don't tell Skylar. God, that bitch is so needy and annoying. I really need a break, if you know what I mean." He flashes me a wink that makes my heart shatter. Apparently, people say the truth when they are drunk, so all these words make my heart break into pieces. Tears rush out of my eyes and I raise my hand and hold it above Harry's cheek before slamming it down and leaving a bright red mark. I turn on my heel and run not having a certain destination, but my legs and tears won't stop. Soon enough, I find myself at Louis' doorstep, slowly curling myself into a ball and crying myself to sleep. I knew that party was a bad idea.


"Skylar? What the hell are you doing out here? You're going to get sick," Louis scolds as I try to wake up. Last night comes flashing back to me and I let out a sob.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. Why don't you come inside and tell me what's wrong, okay? I will fix up some food, k?" I nod my head and Louis guides me inside.

Louis makes chocolate chip pancakes and bacon, while I lay down on the couch and cry.

"Here is some food," Louis hands it to me, "now tell me what happened." I slowly tell him and a few times I have to stop because I am crying so hard. Louis wraps me in his arms and comforts me every time I break down and whispers comforting words to me. At the end of the story, Louis is filled with rage. It's not exactly a secret.

"God, what a fucking dick!" Louis carries on a big rant and I shake my head.

"Please don't do anything," I beg. Louis sighs and nods before telling me something.

"Harry was wrong. About what he said, I mean. You're amazing and funny and caring, and any guy would be super lucky to have you." I smile and Louis smiles back, and soon all my sad Harry thoughts are gone.

And then, we're kissing.

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