He Doesn't Control Me

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So sorry for not updating on my trip. 😔 I just got back so this chapter may be bad and short. Again so so sorry.



I face Harry, my words suddenly getting caught in my throat.

"I-I was at h-home with K-Katelyn because a-something h-happened that was r-really important." I mentally curse myself for stuttering while Harry checks my face to see if I'm lying.

"Ok, but don't let it happen again," Harry scolds, turning on his heel and walking away. Don't let what happen? Stay home from school? Hang out with Katelyn? You know what, I don't care what he means, he doesn't control me. I do.

With this new found confidence I strut down the hall away from the closet and into my classroom. Turning the knob, I creep in to the classroom, trying not to be caught.

"Miss Jones, why where you late?" Dammit, I have been caught.

"Um, I tripped and I lost all of my papers in the hallway." Please believe me, please believe me. I cross my fingers for good luck and almost let out a huge sigh in relief when she responds with a small 'okay'.

I quickly head to the only empty seat that's next to Harry. Great. Note the sarcasm. He gives me a small nod as a 'hi' I suppose. I nod back and open up my journal to write down information. I can't focus though. I keep on thinking about Harry, then back to Louis.

Louis. I forgot all about him. I will have totally to him at lunch. Shaking my head to stop my train of thoughts, I try to concentrate on my wok. But I can't when I'm in love with my 'boyfriend's'(?) best friend.

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