You're an Addiction

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Sorry for not updating in a while. School is really stressful and I have a lot of work.



"Uh, well you see it's a really funny story," I let out a shaky laugh staring at my parents unamused faces with a sheepish expression. My mom has her hands on her hips, a disappointed expression on her face, while my dad has his arms crossed and he looks like he is going to turn into the hulk here in a minute. "I was out with Harry and he wanted me to meet his 'mom' and we went on a date and fell asleep and I just wanted some time to myself," I babble on making up lies as I go until my mom lets out a squeal.

"OMG how was the date? Did he kiss you? What happened? Details NOW!" she demands. I smile and let out a small giggle.

"Okay, so he took me to a fancy restraunt and then we went back to his house and watched a movie until we fell asleep together. He woke me up the next morning and took me paint balling and when he got back, he lent me some of his clothes while mine were being washed, then took me to meet his care taker Anne." the lies roll straight off my tongue until I get to the very end about meeting Anne.

"Aww, you guys are so CUTE!" my mom gushes. I smile at her and she giggles like a school girl.

"Well, I'm tired so I'm going to go to bed," I tell them, leaving my dad shaking in anger before creeping up the stairs to my bright, fuzzy bed.


"I know, right?! He is being a total bitch about this," I roll my eyes while Harry and Louis laugh.

"No offense, but that is so true!" Louis laughs. Okay, so I am telling them about what happened this morning. The huge blowout.


I rub my eyes before sitting up and pulling my warm covers off my small body. Geez, it's too early to be alive. I groan and stumble out of bed and down the cold, carpeted, stairs.

"Morning mom, dad," I manage to get out this early in the morning.

"Morning sweetie," mom replies, and my dad's utter silence doesn't go unnoticed.

"Dad?" I question before waving my hands in his face. He just pushes them down and turns his head and newspaper away from me.

"Howard!" Mom scolds. Seriously, who peed in his Cheerios?

"Sorry dear, but Im not going to talk to Skylar until she stops seeing that douchebag. Before, she would have never left the house without telling us where and when she would be back. Now look at her." His face contort's into disgust, making me narrow my eyes at him. My mother crosses her arms and turns around with a 'hmph'.

"Well, then I guess you will never talk to me because I'll be with him forever. I love him and he loves me. Deal with it. Jesus, get your head out of your ass," I spit out coldly. Shock covers his face while my mom walks over to me with a big grin on her face before stopping in front of me and giving me a huge high five.

"Finally! That's my girl!" My mom cheers while I laugh. My dad's heavy stomps are heard throughout the house while I look at my mom and she just shrugs.

"Well, I have to go to school," I state before heading out the tall front door and walking down the long gravel driveway. I slowly slip into my car and drive off to school, this morning replaying in my head the whole way there.

***Flashback over***

Harry pulls me into an empty closer after Louis leaves for class and the late bell rings. He slowly leans in and kisses me, his arms reaching down around my waist. He licks my bottom lip asking for entrance into my mouth which I give to him. I slowly pull away and give him a small smile.

"You're an addiction," I tell him.

"I know," he responds back with a contagious smile.

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