Rude Much?

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Mrs.Jane on the side>>>

All eyes were on Harry as he slowly walked to his seat.

"Mr. Styles, why were you late?" Ms.Jane questions with a 'don't lie to me' look on her face.

"Why do you care? You're just an old lady who doesn't know anything about me so lay off," Harry snarls. Rude much?

"Harry, see me after class." Harry rolls his eyes, pretending to listen to Ms.Jane for the rest of the period.

BRING! I grab my books and stand up, only to get knocked back down. I stand up to see a certain curly haired, green eyes boy staring at me. Yes, Im talking about Harry. I feel butterflies float around in my stomach at his touch, but I ignore them.

"Watch where you're going next time," Harry spits out.

"Why don't you?" I retort, grabbing my books and rushing out of the room. I have no idea where all of the confidence came from, but I like it. Almost as much as I like cupcakes. Okay, maybe not that much but I still like it a lot.


I quickly sit down at the table in front of me and start munching on my peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I can feel a pair of eyes on my back, so I turn around. My eyes are met with ones of Harry, who is intensely glaring at me. I roll my eyes and turn back around, to continue eating.

Soon enough though, a dark shadow covers me and my lunch, so I turn around and my eyes snap up to meet a not to familiar pair of blue-ish grey-ish eyes. I recognize them to be Harry's friend's eyes.

"Hi, Im Louis." Louis' British accent rings in my ears, causing a grin to appear on my face.

"Skylar," I respond back shyly. My mind keeps on wandering back to why he's here.

"So, you know how the school dance is coming up?" I slowly nod my head, wondering where Louis is going with this. I have everyone in the cafeteria's eyes, including Katelyn who is staring at me like I've grown three heads. Her gaze keeps on flickering from Louis back to me.

"Well, I was wondering I you would want to go with me?"

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